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Profile Superior Energy Services Indonesia
In recent times Superior Energy experienced tremendous growth, it is a manifestation of the hard work of all elements of the company, evidenced through strategic acquisitions and a focus on exceeding customer service expektasi trace planned. Starting in 1980, since then Superior Energy has started developing only has 125 employees and $ 12 million in revenue for a public company Superior Energy but is now able to achieve revenues of over $ 4.5 billion and nearly 14,000 employees spread across the world. All of achievement Superior Energy took more than two decades, beginning as oilfield products manufacturing company and eventually was able to expand its business into areas of service.
Latest Jobs Superior Energy Services Indonesia
Image credit: subseaworldnews.com
In the mid-1990s, Superior Energy offers supplies specialized tools for drilling, production and workover activities. Diperluan high capital to finance further business growth in this business, Superior Energy began a public offering of shares in 1995 through a takeover attempt Dipersivikasi domestic business which includes public offering on the scope of the fuel, ie more than 10 acquired and oilfield equipment rental companies only within a period of three years, until the revenue growth of $ 23.6 million to $ 91.3 million in 1999 Superior Energy into a market leader in mechanical wireline services in the Gulf of Mexico and also the largest owners and operators within the scope r.Integional liftboats. In 2003, Superior Energy acquired Premier Oilfield Services of Aberdeen, Scotland, providing direct access to the North Sea, Europe, Middle East and West African markets. SPN Superior Energy Resources was formed to acquire the Gulf of Mexico in need of intervention services, tools and discipline is usually used for the expansion of customers
Superior Energy expand ground operations in North America through the acquisition of Warrior Energy Services, natural gas and oil well services company that provides wireline and well intervention services to exploration and production companies. The deal was made Superior Energy to increase production. Furthermore, in 2008 launched the ability of Superior Energy's expansion in overseas markets, starting with mounted 175-ft class liftboats as Marine Services division. As a form of ability that continues to grow, so does its reach jointly continue to expand the range of companies from New Zealand to Singapore and Norway and Kazakhstan.
As tangible evidence, Superior Energy was ranked No. 15 on the Top 100 Fastest Growing Company List FORTUNE Magazine. In 2009, Superior Energy Services purchased Hallin Marine Subsea International Plc, an international provider of integrated subsea services and engineering solutions, with the goal of dominating the subsea well intervention market through a combination of both interventions superior assets and Hallin's existing subsea assets. Spotlight quickly moved to Hallin with the purchase of the ship as well as the construction of state-of-the-art new in Singapore, and the award of major projects in West Africa. In another crowning achievement, awarded Hallin after sales increase 14-fold, more than 22 million pounds, in just three years.
Cost-effective production of energy is essential for economic growth and prosperity of the world. Superior Energy's role is to help energy producers to work more efficiently through the delivery of high-quality tools and services.Our MissionSuperior Energy Services offers solutions related to drilling-related and production for energy producers. Superior Energy provides a diverse range of products and services in the global market that is able to add value with an emphasis on quality, integrity and safe operation. The company's vision will make finding and producing energy more efficiently by bringing together products and services complementary to plan, deliver and implement solutions. In turn, we will get a reputation as a global leader in providing solutions that are safe, efficient and high quality throughout the life cycle of the well. Superior Energy Services is a leading provider of specialized oilfield services and equipment, focused on serving the needs of oil and gas companies around the world. The world's energy producers rely on us for service, equipment, equipment and highly trained personnel needed to increase and sustain production of oil and gas wells. Superior Energy has an important role in all stages of the life cycle of a well - drilling, production and decommissioning.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Superior Energy Services Indonesia
Update 19 September 2014
Posisi : Document Controller for QHSE (Jakarta Based)
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
Persyaratan :
- Sarjana, disiplin
- Memiliki pemahaman luas, pengalaman dan keterampilan dalam ISO, OHSAS dan Dokumen Control
- Besertifikasi ISO dan OHSAS
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja 5 tahun di bidang terkait, lebih disukai dari industri yang sama
- Berorientasi, cepat belajar dan mampu mengikuti petunjuk rinci dengan akurasi yang Detil
- Mampu multi-task dan bekerja dengan baik di bawah tekanan
- Lancar berbahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Menguasai komputer
Lowongan berlaku sampai 25 September 2014. Jika Anda tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, silahkan kirimkan lamaran kerja dan CV lengkap ke alamat email : PT. Superior Energy Services Indonesia, Attn. Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Email : ani.wardhani @ superiorenergy.com
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