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Company Profile
Loker Surakarta – PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk was established on 24 Rabius Thani 1412 H or 1 November 1991, initiated by the Council of Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia, and commenced operationson 27 Syawal 1412 H or 1 May 1992. With the supportof real exponents of Muslim Intellectuals se-Indonesia (ICMI) and some Muslim entrepreneur, founding of Bank Muamalat also received the support of the community, as evidenced by the commitment of the company's purchase of shares valued at Rp 84 billionat the time of the signing of the deed of incorporationof the company. Furthermore, in the event of the establishment of the Memorial at the hospitality House Bogor, retrieved an additional commitment from the community in West Java that also investworth Rp 106 billion.
On October 27, 1994, only two years after its establishment, Bank Muamalat successfully bears the predicate as a foreign exchange Bank. This recognitionis increasingly solidifying the company's position as the first and leading Islamic banks in Indonesia with a variety of services and products that continue to be developed.
In the late 90s, the monetary crisis hit Indonesia which overran most of the Southeast Asian economy. The national banking sector nonperforming loans by scroll by in the corporate segment. Bank Muamalat also suffered the impact of the crisis. In 1998, the ratio of bad financing (NPF) reached over 60%. The company recorded a loss of Rp 105 billion. Equity reached the lowest point, namely Rp 39,3 billion, less than one-third of capital initial setor.
In an effort to streng then capital, Bank Muamalat finding potential financiers, and responded topositively by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. At the GENERAL MEETING on 21 June 1999, IDB officially became one of shareholders of Bank Muamalat. Therefore, theperiod between 1999 and 2002, a period full of challenges as well as successes for Bank Muamalat. Inthe past, Bank Muamalat successfully reverses thecondition of loss into profit thanks to the efforts and dedication of every Crew Muamalat, supported by strong leadership, the right business development strategy, as well as adherence to implementation of Islamic banking are pure.
Source: www.bankmuamalat.co.id
Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat Indonesia Terbaru
Update 16 Desember 2014
Posisi : Micro Sales – Yogyakarta
Kualifikasi Umum:
- Mempunyai relasi atau jaringan bisnis yang cukup luas.
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer serta menguasai beberapa aplikasi MS Word dan Excel.
- Mampu bekerjasama dalam sebuah team.
- Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri (sepeda motor) dan memiliki SIM C yang masih berlaku.
- Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga dengan karyawan serta Direksi Bank Muamalat Indonesia.
- Berdomisili di wilayah Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah.
- Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di Yogyakarta.
Kualifikasi Khusus:
- Usia tidak lebih dari 30 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimum Diploma D3.
- Freshgraduate diperbolehkan untuk melamar namun diutamakan memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang terkait seperti, leasing, lembaga keuangan dan koperasi simpan pinjam.
- Faham tentang dunia bisnis serta pengetahuan dasar perbankan Mikro.
- Menyukai tantangan serta mampu bekerja sesuai target.
- Mempunyai penampilan yang menarik.
- Percaya diri, dan memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik.
Tuliskan kode “MS- Yogyakarta” pada subjek email.
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
Sumber Lowongan Loker Surakarta
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