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Profile PT CS2 Pola Sehat (Orang Tua Group)
Loker Surakarta - CS2 patterns of healthy or better known as the elderly Group, is a company in the manufacturing industry to become producers as well as distributors of food products and beverages and other consumer productsin Indonesia. CS2 Healthy Patterns or parent Grouphas products that are well known by the public at large in Indonesia, where the products result from CS2or Healthy patterns of the elderly Group is already known by the general public that, among others,Tango, Wine Wafer parents, Formula, Oops, Vita, VitaCharm Jelly Drink, Kayaking, Nuts, tea, glass of PulpTruzz, and Kiranti. Such products by Healthy patterns of CS2 or parent Group promoted through one of them aired on television as the ad impressions,therefore those products able to known which furtherpositive acclaim from the public as consumers. Wherethe Community products from CS2 Healthy Patterns ora parent Group that can afford to trust and always bethe first choice. CS2 Healthy Patterns or parent Group taking raw materials for its products from natural sources which are then administered by a Healthy pattern of CS2 or parent Group become the products of high qualitythat are becoming the choice of the consumer to consume. CS2 Healthy Patterns or parent Groupalready poor transverse more than half a century old, starting from health drinks to savory products naturaldioleh traditionally, until then grew becomingincreasingly modern, efficient, practical, and as timeprogressed. But a healthy pattern of CS2 or parentGroup has an unmatched advantages, i.e. Healthypatterns of CS2 or parent Group generates its products from ancestral heritage which has been tested for a long time, which then developed in a sustainable way by not forgetting secret element ofauthenticity. That's a healthy pattern of CS2 or parentGroup, the resultant products are products that do notremove the kekhasiatan from the heritage of ancestors. CS2 Healthy Patterns or parent Group including to companies that continue to innovate, innovation-innovation implemented by CS2 Healthy Patterns or parent Group in an effort to continually meet the needs of consumers concerning food products and drinks that are safe, clean, and healthy. With theinnovations undertaken by the Healthy patterns of CS2or parent Group then so also include efforts in order to improve and enhance the quality of the productsproduced by the Healthy patterns of CS2 or parentGroup on an ongoing basis. CS2 Healthy Patterns or parent Group since its Foundation is committed to being a company thatmanufactures food products and drinks as well as a superior consumer products in Indonesia. Of courseduring the long journey, the Healthy patterns of CS2or parent Group is already showing its position in themanufacturing industry food and beverage areas inIndonesia, where a healthy pattern of CS2 or parentGroup is a key player in manufacturing industries food and beverage products as well as consumer productsin Indonesia. The brands of the products produced by the Healthy patterns of CS2 or parent Group has beenawarded several times as the satisfaction of customers,labels, where these products in other words are already getting recognition in Indonesia even has been recognized globally.
Source : www.ot.co.id
Lowongan Kerja CS2 Pola Sehat (Orang Tua Group) Terbaru
Update 14 Desember 2014
Posisi : Product Trainer (22)
Persyaratan :
- Usia tidak lebih dari 35 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal SMU, Diploma, Sarjana.
- Segala jurusan.
- Nilai IPK minimal 3,00.
- Menguasai bahasa : Cina, Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia
- Mempunyai 3 tahun berpengalaman kerja di bidang terkait.
- Pengalaman sebagai Supervisor, Koordinator mengkhususkan diri dalam Pelatihan dan Pengembangan atau setara.
Date line tanggal 20 Desember 2014. Segera kirimkan aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV, Scan ijasah yang telah dilegalisir, Foto terbaru berwarna, KTP yang masih berlaku ke alamat dibawah ini :
PT CS2 Pola Sehat (Orang Tua Group), Jl Lingkar Luar Barat Kav 35 – 36 Rawa Buaya, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat 11740
atau bisa melalui alamat email hrd.retail@ot.co.id
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
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