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PT Pertamina EP Cepu's Profile
Loker Surakarta – as one of the subsidiary company of PT Pertamina (Persero)engaged in the business activities of exploration andproduction of oil and gas, PT Pertamina EP Cepu is committed to contribute to the improvement of the national oil and gas production.
In each of our operations, our commitment to the environment and society is a major concern. This has been a concern for our consideration, given continued to operate in a safe way and with the full flavor and responsibility. To operate safely and with a full sense of responsibility we will contribute to the development of society by applying the security environment and work wherever we operate.
We want to be part of the high aspirations are supported by PT Pertamina (Persero) to become a world class national energy company. Partnerships with world-class energy companies like ExxonMobilalso shows that PT Pertamina EP Cepu is a business entity that has a high reputation and workprofessionally. Oil and gas development in the Cepu block is expected to increase oil and gas productionnation wide and puts Indonesia as an important playerin the oil and gas industry worldwide.
PT Pertamina EP Cepu feel successful transformation which took the form, in addition to the ability to act asan active partner in the Cepu block with its partners, consisting of Mobil Cepu Ltd. (MCL), Ampolex Pte Ltd(both subsidiaries of ExxonMobil Corp) and a number of regional-owned enterprises (BUMD) to increase oil and gas production by establishing production facilities (EPF) Earlier, and at the same time increasingproduction with the application of the latest technology. PT Pertamina EP Cepu has now beendesignated the Operator of Gas Fields of UnitisasiJambaran and Tiung blue with the approval of the PSC (Production Sharing Contractor Conract) from the working area, PT Pertamina EP (PEP) Block, and (production Sharing Contractors Conract PSC) fromthe Cepu block work areas under the Treaty of Union(UA), signed on 14 September 2012.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and all employeesof PT Pertamina EP Cepu, I present this to our company. I would like to extend our appreciation to allstakeholders who have provided their support. In the spirit of new energy, PT Pertamina EP Cepu will continue to be committed against the environment, the community and all the stakeholders to continuallyaccelerate growth for the company to be "big" oil and gas companies in Indonesia.
Source: www.pertamina-epcepu.com
Lowongan Kerja PT Pertamina EP Cepu Terbaru
Update 05 Desember 2014
- Geophysics
- Geologies
- Reservoir Engineer
- Petroleum Engineer
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana S1.
- Mempunyai 8 tahun pengalaman sesuai dengan posisinya.
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
- Loyalitas kerja yang baik.
- Disiplin.
Segera daftarkan diri anda melalui alamat PT Pertamina EP Cepu ADK Contact Center (021) 5290 0900 atau melalui alamat email di: recruitment@pertamina-epcepuadk.com.
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