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Profile: Pulp and Paper Products
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru - Loker Surakarta, Started in 1972 by Tjiwi Kimia produces caustic soda, the company now runs the operation throughout Indonesia and China with a combined pulp, paper, packaging products and annual capacity of converting more than 19 million tons per year. Today, Sinarmas Pulp and Paper markets its products in more than 120 countries on six continents. Industrial development is done by managing human and natural resources responsibly include empowerment aspects ofeconomic, social and environment on an ongoing basis. The involvement of Sinar Mas in the pulp and paper industry began in 1974 with the establishment of PT Tjiwi Kimia producing chemicals for industrial use in paper. Later the company also began producing the paper, although it was still in a limited capacity. The initial focus when it was supporting the development of national industrial capabilities andincreased investment. As part of its strategic plan, the acquisition of Sinar Mas Beautiful Tips to support the expansion and integration of pulp and paper production. Later, by Lontar Papyrus as well as the acquisition of Sinar Mas makes Pindo Deli become one of the largest companies in the pulp and paper sector. Program expansion has made the company able to produce various kinds of paper products and its derivatives products for various needs. To meet the needs of raw materials, the entire production facilitiesrely on raw material supplies from Sinar Mas Forestry together with its partners. Most of the supply comes from forest plants are managed with the concept of sustainable forest management.
Currently, the pulp and paper Division supplying the needs of the paper as well as its products not only inIndonesia, but also to various corners of the world. Track Timber – in line with the commitment and our responsibility to maintain and conserve forests, have been applied to the mechanism that helps ensure onlylegal timber raw materials that can be entered into theproduction process. The system has been verified in its application by some institutions of an independent international audit. As one of the world's largest pulpand paper companies, Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) Group is responsible for providing quality products to meet the global demand for paper, packaging andnetwork. On any given day, our products find their way into the hands of consumers in various forms ofbrands from all over the world. Over the years, we have expanded our operations significantly through acquisition and expansion ofseveral pulp and paper mills. This is our commitment to customer satisfaction allows us to increase ourshare in the sale of paper worldwide and broadening our presence through offices in many countries. We believe ' tradition and modernity go hand in hand ' which means we value long term relationships as part of our Eastern tradition, while we also are eager toembrace modern values of innovation and efficiency. Maintain the integrity of our supply chains is also important for the operation of the APP as well as our commitment to our Sustainability Vision 2020 Roadmap. Learn more about the APP on operational excellence and Sustainability Report by reading thepolicy of forest conservation.
App (pulp and paper products) is one of the world's leading pulp and paper companies. With a current combined pulp, paper and packaging capacity valuesover 7 million tons in Indonesia, he ranks number onein Asia, not including Japan. the APP currently has production facilities in different locations in Indonesia and markets its products in more than 65 countries on six continents. APP produces bleached hardwood pulpand various kinds of paper products and packaging.This range extends from commodity-grade paper isthe basis for value-added paper art, which includes acast of paper coats, networking, special paper, carbon paper, and stationery and Office products. All of the company's activity is based on the principle of fairness and equality. While the existing work culture always puts a professional demeanor through integrity, equality, and synergy, the determination of responsibility. As an institution of international business that continues to grow and evolve, Sinar Masare always working to maintain and improve consumer loyalty and customers. Our vision is based on the balance of the three main pillars of sustain ability efforts, i.e. social, environmental and economic. While the entire operational activities the company always uphold accountability, transparency, the interests of the share holders as well as ethics in business. Companies understand if globalization and free trade opens the occurrence of increasingly tight competition. The things that cause us steadily improve performance and optimize the existing resources in accordance with applicable law and human rights.
Source: www.sinarmas.com
Lowongan Kerja PT Sinarmas Pulp and Paper Products Terbaru
Update 19 Desember 2014
Posisi : System and Business Process Optimization
Persyaratan :
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana S1.
- Jurusan Teknik Industri, Keuangan, Akuntansi, Perbankan, Studi Bisnis, Administrasi, Manajemen atau setara.
- Lancar dalam berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris.
- Mempunyai 1 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait.
- Lebih disukai Staff non-manajemen dan non-pengawas, mengkhususkan diri dalam Analisis, Administrative Support, Clerical atau setara.
Date line tanggal 25 Desember 2014. Segera kirimkan dokumen lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV dan poto terbaru ke alamt dibawah ini:
PT Sinarmas Pulp and Paper Products, Sinarmas Land Plaza, Jl MH Thamrin No 51 Jakarta
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
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