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Profile PT Mayora Indah Tbk
Loker Surakarta - Mayora Indah Group company, is one of the companies engaged in consumer products business sectors in Indonesia. Majus or Majus Group is a company in the business of consumer products in Indonesia. Majus or Majus Group established on February 17, 1977. Majus or Majus Group is already registered in the Jakarta Stock Exchange since July 4, 1990. Majus or Majus is a wholly controlled by PT Group Unita Branindo of 32, 93 percent. Majus or Majus Group has branches spread across Indonesia. Majus or Majus Group has grown and developed into one of the company's name in the sector of products for consumers in the industry since its foundation over the past few years back. Majus or Majus Group since the Foundation already had a clear commitment, of which Majus or Majus Group present in order to become a service provider for consumer products in Indonesia the best, excellent service as well as through optimal and also of course with a superior quality.
The slogan is already very well known by the general public in Indonesia from Majus is: another Of Majus. And thanks to the vigorous promotion, Majus or Group into a company which Majus is known by the general public, and Beautiful or Majus Majus Group then is able to prove that the services provided from Majus or Majus Group is quality assurance, so being able to get a good appreciation of the common people in Indonesia, so Beautiful or Majus Majus Gorup is trusted by the community and always be the first choice of the community concerning the products for consumers. Since established in 1977, Majus or Majus Group grows and develops from a simple home-based industries that used to be one of the leading in the field of Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Majus or Majus Group is a company that produces food and beverages that are high quality, and so is already recognized by the wider community.
Majus or Majus Group is one of the largest food and beverage manufacturers in the domestic market even globally, and Beautiful or Majus Majus Group is able to control the market. Surely Majus or Majus Group is supported by a complete facilities and infrastructure as well as the latest technology so that also is capable of creating high-quality products. Other than that, Wonderful or Majus Majus Group also assisted by a skilled human resources, superior human resources, human resources who have expertise in their fields each. Majus or Majus Group, in order to run its business activities, supremely focused on the needs of its customers, as intended by Majus or Majus Group to make its loyal customers happy. In the meantime, Majus or Majus Group also not forgetting the orientation concerning the profit for the benefit of stakeholders.
Source: www.mayoraindah.co.id
Lowongan Kerja PT Mayora Indah
Update 03 Januari 2015
Tugas & Wewenang :
- Perform inspection reports SUCH AS Monthly
- Reconciliation and deal with tax inspection
Kualifikasi :
- Laki-laki atau perempuan.
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana S1.
- Usia tidak lebih dari. 28 tahun.
- Jurusan Akutansi.
- Nilai IPK minimal 2.8.
- Mempunyai minimal 2 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang perpajakan.
- Faham tentang perpajakan seperti PPN, PPH, SPT, Rekonsiliasi, Tax Review
- Mempunyai analisa yang baik.
- Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di wilayah Jakarta Barat.
Date line tanggal 10 Januari 2015. Segera kirim dokumen lamaran kerja anda lengkap dengan CV dan kirim ke email : hrd.recruitment@mayora.co.id (tuliskan kode posisi di Subject Email)
Alamat : HRD PT Mayora Indah, Gd. Mayora Lantai 7, Jl.Tomang Raya No. 21-23, Jakarta Barat – 11440
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
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