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Profile PT OSRAM Indonesia
Loker Surakarta - OSRAM is a high tech lighting company where about 40% of sales by 49 plants in 19 countries, servingcustomers in 150 countries in the world, and employsmore than 38,000 workforce worldwide. OSRAM brandwas first introduced to the public, having patented inPatent Agencies (Directory of the Imperial Patent Office) in Berlin on April 17, 1906 by the GesselschaftAuer. The name OSRAM is itself a combination of thetwo materials necessary to manufacture filamentnamely: Osmium and Wolfram.
PT Indonesia operates the OSRAM factory in Tangerang, and employs more than 1,400 people and has two branches of marketing located in Jakarta and Surabaya. The PT OSRAM Indonesia not only offerslocal products (incandescent lamps and lighting TL) but also products produced in factories OSRAM otherscattered all over the world such as Europe, the U.S., China, Japan, and others. Indonesia PT OSRAM alsofocus in serving the consumer market industrial and OEM product groups, which include, among others: Automotive Lamps, incandescent lamps, lamps, Photo Optic TL and Discharge Lamps.
In Indonesia through PT OSRAM OSRAM presentIndonesia. The company was established in 1997 through the acquisition of local light company. Since then, OSRAM has developed its production facilitiesand instill some amount of money to improve the quality of its products to meet the standards of OSRAM Worldwide. On July 25, 2007, PT OSRAM Indonesia had even 10 years old and now this PTOSRAM Indonesia is able to compete with other factories OSRAM in the world.
OSRAM itself has been developed more than 5,000types of lamps and lighting systems are categorized into: public lighting, automotive, Photo-Optic, Control Gear, and Opto-Semiconductor products. all production of OSRAM worldwide is guaranteed to have the same quality and environmentally friendly because of the eratnya relationship with the modelfactory in Europe, namely the application of the standard ISO 9002 and Total Quality Management. OSRAM has a high commitment to research andproduct development. More than 5% of the company'sprofits are invested to find solutions that generated OSRAM research centers scattered in the u.s., Europe, and Asia.
OSRAM brand name was "born" in 1906 and was listedby the Deutsche Gasglühlicht-Anstalt (also known asAuer-Gesellschaft). Famous names in the world of1906 was created from the names of the two ingredients are necessary at the time for producing filament – originally Osmium and Wolfram then (ornow more commonly known as tungsten). 13 yearslater (on July 1, 1919) was a part of the company name: OSRAM Werke GmbH Christian Fellow shipkomanditer. At the time, Auer-Gesellschaft, AEG and Siemens Halske AG & combined their lamp production activities. From 1978 until 2013, Siemens has been thesole shareholder. Since then, the Group has beenlisted on the stock exchange as OSRAM Licht AG.
OSRAM lighting expert, is a leading global-oriented with headquarters in Germany, offers sophisticated lighting solutions since more than 100 years. We aredriven by the ambition to perform at the highest levelall the time. The amount of quality and cost leadershipare part of our corporate culture. In Indonesia,Indonesia OSRAM have been operating for over 14 years and we hope to expand our activities in the market. If you are ready for a challenging job opportunities and career development international,join us now! Passion for light – Solutions for life.
Source: PT OSRAM Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja PT OSRAM Indonesia Terbaru
Update 06 Desember 2014
Tanggung Jawab :
- Implement customer-oriented sales and tradingactivities, marketing plans, customer interaction andclose sales force.
- Develop a marketing strategy to contribute tosustainable growth in revenue, profit target & increase market share.
- Campaign management, implementation, evaluationand follow-up.
- Driving marketing budgets, controlling & ensuremarketing plans are implemented efficiently andexecuted properly.
- Push marketing activities associated with theexecution process.
- Create effective marketing communications to achieve maximum brand awareness and increased demand translate.
- Promotional marketing lead new product launch &and ensure a good implementation to support sales performance.
- Driving institutions and monitor project.
Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana S1..
- Mempunyai 4 tahun pengalaman kerja dibidang pemasaran di MNC Konsumen.
- Faham tentang pemasaran Otomotif Parts Aftermarket.
- Mempunyai kepribadian yang kuat dalam Orientasi Pelanggan serta Hasil Orientasi, Strategis-Inovatif.
- Lancar dalam komunikasi bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
- Mampu bekerja sama dalam sebuah team.
- Mempunyai kemampuan analisis yang kuat.
Date line tanggal 15 Desember 2014. Segera kirimkan aplikasi lamaran kerja anda beserta CV dan foto terbaru ke alamat email dibawah ini:
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
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