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sumber gambar : www.danamon.co.id |
Company Profile
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. was established in 1956. Bank Danamon's name comes from the word"Monetary Fund" and was first used in 1976, when the company changed its name from Copra.
In 1988, the Bank of Indonesia unveiled bankingreform package known as "package October 1988" or PAKTO 88. The main purpose of PAKTO 88 is to establish competition in the banking sector by providing amenity requirements, includingliberalization of the rules on the establishment of newdomestic private banks and joint-venture banks. As a result of this reform, Bank Danamon became one ofthe first foreign exchange bank in Indonesia, and became a publicly traded company listed on theJakarta Stock Exchange.
Danamon has been determined to be "the leadingfinancial institutions in Indonesia" which occurrencecounts. This positions Danamon aims achieved by becoming a customer-centered organization; servingall segments, offering a unique value for eachsegment; based on sales and service excellence,supported by a world class technology. In line with this effort, the company became beraspirasi Danamonoption to work and approved by all stakeholders, while holding fast to the five company values are:caring, honest, seeking the best, cooperation,discipline and professionalism.
The object of Danamon to meet all the needs of its customers is reflected from a business approach. The focus of universal banking, implemented in 2003determining the direction of Danamon business expansion forward. At the end of 2004, Danamon hashis segment of the complements, ranging from mass market, commercial and SME banking, retail banking, business credit cards, Islamic banking, corporate banking, Treasury, capital markets and financial institutions, as well as Adira Finance. In 2004,Danamon is also building a business insurance andhousehold finance business through Insurance andCredit Frenz Frenz (formerly Adira Quantum). The purchase of American Express card business inIndonesia in 2006 positioned Danamon as one ofIndonesia's largest card issuer.
As the surviving entity of smelting 9 Bank Taken Over (BTO) during the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s,Danamon has risen to become one of the largest and most powerful private bank in Asia. Backed by over 50years of experience, Danamon continues to strive tofulfill the brand promise to be the bank that "couldachieve each client's wishes".
Danamon is one of the largest financial institutions in Indonesia from the number of employees – about67,456 (including employees of the subsidiary) in June2014-focused to realize his vision: "we care and helpmillions of people achieve well-being."
Bank Danamon was the sixth largest in Indonesia by assets, with a network of about 2.450 in late June2014, comprising, among others, a conventionalBranch Office, unit Danamon Save Loan (DSP) andSyariah units as well as branch offices of its subsidiaries. Danamon is also supported by a series ofcomprehensive electronic banking facilities.
We currently have one of the widest service network inIndonesia, with a network of approximately 2,500 up to March 2014, comprising, among others, a conventional Branch Office, DSP unit and Sharia unit, as well as branch offices of its subsidiaries,supplemented by 1,400 ATMs and CDM, internet services and mobile banking and call centers.
We have also made a significant transformation of the appearance of our branch offices, and makeimprovements to the Danamon Call Center throughcutting-edge technology to service faster and quality.
Our Internet Banking service which was launched inthe first quarter of 2009 is one of the leading-inIndonesia.
source : www.danamon.co.id
Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon Indonesia Terbaru
Update 29 Oktober 2014
- Officer Development Program – Treasury & Capital Market
- Officer Development Program – Transactional Banking
- Officer Development Program – Financial Institutions
Persyaratan umum
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1) atau Master Degree (S2).
- Smua jurusan (1).
- Jurusan Keuangan, Akuntansi, Ekonomi atau Statistik (2, 3).
- Nilai IPK minimal pada skala 4-point:
- Nilai minimal 2,75 (1).
- Nilai minimal 3.00 (2).
- Lulusan baik dari universitas terkemuka (lokal atau luar negeri) Preffered (2, 3).
- Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun.
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun dibidang terkait.
- Mempunyai kemampuan analisis, pemecahan masalah, laporan data, dan presentasi yang sangat baik.
- Lancar berbahasa Hokkian, lancar berbahasa Inggris (lisan maupun tulisan) merupakan sebuah keuntungan (1).
- Lancar dalam berbahasa Inggris tertulis maupun lisan (2, 3).
- Sanggup untuk melakukan perjalanan dinas luar kota (1).
- Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan diwilayah Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya (1), Jakarta (2, 3).
Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV dan foto terbaru, melalui alamat email di : bdi.rekrut@danamon.co.id atau bisa juga dengan mengunjungi website Karir Danamon di http://www.danamon.co.id/Home/AboutDanamon/Karir/tabid/408/language/id-ID/Default.aspx. Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi untuk mengikuti tahapan proses berikutnya.
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