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Our History
The Mission of the Corporation Unilever is to improve the vitality of life. This shows how the company really understands customers and Reviews their 21st century lives.
Go forward with Unilever Indonesia for more thanseventy years
Unilever Indonesia Tbk 1972PT Angke (company) was founded on December 5, 1933 as Zeepfabrieken NVLever by deed no. 33 made by Tn.A.H. van Ophuijsen spelling system, a Notary in Batavia. This deed was approved by the Governor-General van Negerlandsch Indie with letter No. 14 on 16 December 1933, enrolled in the Raad van Justitie in Batavia with 302 on December 22, 1933, and was announced on 9 January inJavasche Courant in 1934 up to no. 3.
By deed no. 171 made by Notary Ny. Kartini Mulyadi, dated July 22, 1980, the company name was changed to PT Unilever Indonesia. By deed no. 92 made by public thenotary Mr. Mudofir Hadi, SH, dated June 30.1997, the company name was changed to PT UnileverIndonesia Tbk., This Deed was approved by theMinister of Justice with the decision No. C2-1,049 HT. at 01 TH 98, dated 23 February 1998 and promulgated in State News no. 2620 on May 15, 1998 up to no. 39.
The company registered a 15% of its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchangeafter gaining approval from the Executive Chairman of the capital markets (Bapepam) No. SI-009 / PM / E / 1981on 16 November 1981.
Old officePada company's annual general meeting on 24 June 2003, the shareholders agreed to the splittingof shares, by reducing the nominal value of shares from Rp 100 per share to Rp 10 per share. This changeis made before a Notary by deed no. 46 made public bynotary Singgih Susilo SH, dated July 10, 2003and approved by the Minister of Justice and human rights of the Republic of Indonesia in Decree No. C 17 533-HT. at 01-th. 2003.
Companies engaged in the production of soaps, detergents, margarine, vegetable oil and foods made from milk, ice cream, snacks and beverages from tea and cosmetic products.
As approved in the annual general meeting of the company on June 13, 2000, the WHO poured in Notary deed no. 82 made by Notary public Singgih Susilo SH, dated June 14, 2000, the company acts as amajor Also distributors and provide marketing researchservices. This deed was approved by the Minister of law and legislation (formerly Minister of Justice) of the Republic of Indonesia in Decree No. C-18482HT. at 00-TH 2000.
The company started commercial operations in 1933.
Pepsodent print Unilever Indonesia
On November 22, 2000, the company entered intowith PT Anugrah Indah Pelangi, to establish the new company namely PT Anugrah Lever (PT AL) engaged in the development, manufacture, marketing and sale ofsoy sauce, chilli sauce and other dipping sauces-saucewith the Bango trademarks and Parkiet, Sakura andother different brands on the basis of the company's license to PT al.
On July 3, 2002, the company entered into withTexchem Resources Berhad, to establish the new company namely PT Technopia Lever that moves in the field of distribution, export and import of goodswith the use of the trademark Domestos Nomos. On November 7, 2003, Texchem Resources Berhad holds astock purchase agreement with Technopia Singapore Pte. Ltd., the which is in the covenant Texchem ResourcesBerhad agreed to sell its stake in PT Technopia Leverto Technopia Singapore Pte. Ltd.
sunlight Extraordinary General Meeting print of the company on 8 December 2003, the companyreceived approval from shareholders for the acquisition of the minority shares of PT Knorr Indonesia (PT KI) from Unilever Overseas Holdings Limited (related parties). This acquisition occurred on the date of signing of the stock purchase agreementbetween the company and Unilever Overseas Holdings Limited on 21 January 2004. On July 30, 2004, the company merged with PT KI. The merger is Carried out using the same method with the method of grouping of stocks (pooling of interest). The company is acompany that received a merge and the merge afterPT KI ceased to be a separate legal entity. The mergerin accordance with the approval of the Capital Investment Coordinating Agency (BKPM), in his letterNo. 740 / III / PMA / 2004 dated July 9, 2004.
In 2007, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Unilever) has signed a conditional agreement with PT Ultrajaya MilkIndustry & Trading Company Tbk (Ultra) in connection with the takeover of juice beverage industry through the transfer of "Buavita brand" and "Gogo" from Ultrato Unilever. Agreement have been met and Unileverand Ultra have completed the transaction in January 2008.
source : www.unilever.co.id
Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia Terbaru
Update 30 Oktober 2014
POSISI : Assistant Quality Manager – Foods (Job Number: 14000MOZ)
- Minimal pendidikan S1.
- Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, Kimia, Farmasi atau Teknik Kimia
- Nilai IPK kumulatif minimal 3,00 pada skala point 4,00.
- Mempunyai 1 tahun pengalaman kerja dibidang kualitas kontrol dari industri makanan dan minuman.
- Mampu bekerja dalam team.
- Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di Cikarang (Factory Food) dan Bekasi.
Date line Tanggal 05 November 2014. Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap ke alamat PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk pada link sumber lowongan dibawah ini, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
Sumber Lowongan
Update 30 Oktober 2014
POSISI : Assistant Area Sales Manager (AASM)
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1).
- Segala jurusan.
- Nilai IPK kumulatif minimal 2.80 pada skala 4.0 pont
- Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun.
- Pernah aktif dalam organisasi kampus.
- Loyalitas tinggi.
- Mempunyai kemampuan komunikatif yang baik dan mampu beradaptasi dilingkungan baru.
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
- Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di seluruh Indonesia.
Date line tanggal 12 November 2014. Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap melalui email ke pusatkariruii@gmail.com atau bisa dengan mengunjungi link sumber lowongan dibawah ini untuk mengetahui keterangan lebih lanjut tentang lowongan kerja diatas, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan ditindak lanjuti.
Sumber Lowongan
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