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Profile PT Aneka Tambang
The company's business activity has begun since 1968when the company was founded as a State-owned enterprises through the merger of mining companies and Government-owned mine project, which is the governing body of General Public Mining companiesof the country, the State Mining Enterprise Bauxite Company Country Indonesia, Tjikotok gold mine, thecountry's precious metals Company, PT Indonesia,Nickel and Diamond Project projects Bapetamb. The company was founded with the name "State enterprises (PN) a variety of PT Aneka Tambang" in the Republic ofIndonesia on July 5, 1968, based on Government Regulation No. 22 in 1968. The establishment was announced in a Supplement No. 36, BNRI No. 56, dated July 5, 1968. On September 14, 1974, based on Government Regulation No. 26 of 1974, the status ofthe company was changed from a State Company into a State Company limited liability company (the "Company") and since then it is known as the"company of the company (Persero) a variety of Aneka Tambang".
On December 30, 1974, ANTAM changed its name to the deed of establishment of the limited liability Company No. 320 on December 30, 1974, made in the presence of Warda Sungkar Alurmei, S.H., at that time in lieu of Abdul Latief, notary in Jakarta before jo. Deed of Amendment No. 55 dated March 14, 1975, made in the presence of Abdul Latief, formerly a notary in Jakarta, regarding the change of status of the company in order to implement the provisions contained in Act No. 9 of 1969 concerning the determination of the Replacement Government Regulations Act No. 1 of 1969 (the 1969 State Gazette No. 16. The State Gazette supplementary No. 2890) about State Business forms into law (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 1969), Government Regulation No. 12 in 1969 about the company Company (Persero). The State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia in 1969 No. 21 and Government Regulation No. 26 of 1974 regarding the transfer of State enterprises Form a variety of Mine became the company's Company (Persero), Indonesia Republic Gazette 1974 number 33 jo.The Decision Letter Of The Minister Of Finance Of The Republic Of Indonesia No. Kep. 1768/MK/IV/12/1974, concerning the determination of the company's Corporate Capital (Persero) PT Aneka Tambang became a limited liability company under the name of PT Aneka Tambang, which has gained endorsement from Menkumham in its decision No. Y.A. 5/170/4 dated 21 May 1975 and the two aforesaid Deed has been registered in the register Office in the District Court of Jakarta in a row under no. 1736 and no. 1737 on 27 May 1975 and had been announced in Addition No. 312 BNRI No. 52 on 1 July 1975. Project funding to support the expansion of feronikel, in 1997 the company offers 35% of its shares to the public and in Indonesia stock exchange. In 1999, the company listed its shares in Australia with the status of foreign exempt entity and in 2002 this status increased to ASX Listing that has a more stringent provisions.
On December 30, 1974, ANTAM changed its name to the deed of establishment of the limited liability Company No. 320 on December 30, 1974, made in the presence of Warda Sungkar Alurmei, S.H., at that time in lieu of Abdul Latief, notary in Jakarta before jo. Deed of Amendment No. 55 dated March 14, 1975, made in the presence of Abdul Latief, formerly a notary in Jakarta, regarding the change of status of the company in order to implement the provisions contained in Act No. 9 of 1969 concerning the determination of the Replacement Government Regulations Act No. 1 of 1969 (the 1969 State Gazette No. 16. The State Gazette supplementary No. 2890) about State Business forms into law (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 1969), Government Regulation No. 12 in 1969 about the company Company (Persero). The State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia in 1969 No. 21 and Government Regulation No. 26 of 1974 regarding the transfer of State enterprises Form a variety of Mine became the company's Company (Persero), Indonesia Republic Gazette 1974 number 33 jo.The Decision Letter Of The Minister Of Finance Of The Republic Of Indonesia No. Kep. 1768/MK/IV/12/1974, concerning the determination of the company's Corporate Capital (Persero) PT Aneka Tambang became a limited liability company under the name of PT Aneka Tambang, which has gained endorsement from Menkumham in its decision No. Y.A. 5/170/4 dated 21 May 1975 and the two aforesaid Deed has been registered in the register Office in the District Court of Jakarta in a row under no. 1736 and no. 1737 on 27 May 1975 and had been announced in Addition No. 312 BNRI No. 52 on 1 July 1975. Project funding to support the expansion of feronikel, in 1997 the company offers 35% of its shares to the public and in Indonesia stock exchange. In 1999, the company listed its shares in Australia with the status of foreign exempt entity and in 2002 this status increased to ASX Listing that has a more stringent provisions.
Source : www.antam.com
Lowongan Kerja PT Aneka Tambang BUMN Terbaru
Update 13 November 2014
Level Penyelia/Section (pendidikan minimal DIPLOMA 3)
- Electrical Maintenance Control Technician, D3 Teknik Elektro (SEM)
- Instrument Maintenance Monitoring Control Technician, SIM (D3 Teknik Instrument/Elektronika Instrument, Fisika Instrument (SIM).
- Mechanical Maintenance Planning Equipment Control Technician, D3 Teknik Mesin (SMM).
- Civil Officer, D3 Teknik Sipil (SCP)
Level Pelaksana/Area (pendidikan minimal SMA Sederajat)
- Operator Junior Feni Plant (Smelting, Ore Preparation, Refinery & Casting), SMU Sederajat (OFP)
- Quality Control Junior Officer (Ore Quality Assurance, Sample Preparation, Instrumen Laboratory), SMU Sederajat (OQC).
- Mekanik Junior Feni Plant (Smelting, Ore Preparation, Refinery & Casting), SMU Sederajat (MFP).
- Administrasi Junior Office (Procurement & Comben), SMU Sederajat (ADO).
- Quality Control Junior Laboran, SMAK (LQC).
- Operator Junior Utility (Energy Management, Water Management, Oxygent Plant), SMU Jurusan IPA (OUT)
- Teknisi Junior Electrical Maintenance, SMK Jurusan Elektro (TEM)
- Teknisi Junior Utility (Electrical Distribution), SMK Jurusan Elektro (TUT).
- Mekanik Junior Mechanical Maintenance, SMK Jurusan Teknik Mesin (TMM).
- Mekanik Utility (Energy Management), SMK Jurusan Teknik Mesin (MUT).
- Civil Junior Officer, SMK Jurusan Teknik Bangunan (OCP).
- Administrator Junior Finance, SMK Jurusan Akuntansi (ADF).
Level PELAKSANA (pendidikan minimal SMA Sederajat)
- Operator, SMU Sederajat (BTG).
- Electrical, SMK Jurusan Teknik Elektro (ELC)
- Instrument, SMK Jurusan Teknik Elektro (INS).
- Mekanik, SMK Jurusan Teknik Mesin (MEK).
Persyaratan umum
- Pria.
- Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI).
- Pendidikan minimal SMA atau SMK.
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
- Mempunyai Kartu Tanda Pendidik yang masih berlaku (KTP).
- Usia minimal 18 tahun, maksimal 35 tahun untuk per 1 November 2014.
- Ttinggi minimal 155 cm untuk posisi operator dan mekanik.
- Tinggal didomisili lebih disukai.
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait.
- Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di seluruh unit usaha dan anak perusahaan di PT Antam (Persero) Tbk.
- SMA atau setara: nilai rata-rata UAN (Ujian Akhir Nasional) atau NEM minimal 5,5 (dari 10).
- Untuk D3: IPK minimal 2,75 (skala point 4).
- Mempunyai catatan berkelakuan baik dari kepolisian.
- Pada setiap tahap seleksi berlaku sistem gugur. Hanya kandidat terbaik dan memenuhi persyaratan yang berhak mengikuti tahap seleksi berikutnya.
- Pengumuman hasil seleksi seluruh tahapan dapat dilihat di website www.ppm-rekrutmen.com/antam.
- Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
- Tidak ada surat menyurat dengan Penyelenggara selama proses rekrutmen & seleksi
- Biaya transportasi dan akomodasi dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta sepenuhnya.
- Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
- Tidak ada pungutan biaya apapun selama proses seleksi berlangsung.
Date line tanggal 17 November 2014. Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda melalui website resmi di http://ppm-rekrutmen.com/antam. Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
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