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Bank Bukopin's Profile
Loker Surakarta-Bank Bukopin (formerly known as Bank Indonesia Public Cooperative in 1970 to 1989) is the largest private bank in Indonesia which was established on July 1, 1970, and was previously owned by Telkom Indonesia and PLN to the 31st December 2001.
Bank Bukopin was founded on July 1, 1970, formerly known as Bank Indonesia Public Cooperative owned by micro, small and medium businesses as well ascooperatives and is headquartered in The Muhammad Husni Thamrin from the Menteng neighborhood, Menteng subdistrict, Central Jakarta.
Bank Indonesia Public Cooperatives has been renamedBank Bukopin since 1989.
Bank Bukopin country focusing on UMKMK, the current segment has grown and developed into abank that went into the intermediate bank group in Indonesia in terms of assets. Along with the opportunities and increasing the ability to serve the needs of the wider community, Bank Bukopin had developed his business into the consumer and commercial segments.
This segment is the third pillar of the business of Bank Bukopin, with Service conventionally and Sharia, which is supported by optimal fund management system, reliability of information technology, human resourcesand competencies, the practice of good corporate governance. This Foundation allows Bank Bukopin stepped forward and placed it as a bank that iscredible. Bank Bukopin's operations are now supported by more than 280 offices in 22 provincesacross Indonesia are connected in real time on-line.Bank Bukopin also has been building a network ofmicro-banking named "Swamitra", which nowamounted to 543 outlet, as a form of partnership with cooperatives and microfinance institutions.
With an increasingly robust capital structure as a result of the implementation of the Initial Public Offering (IPO) in July 2006, Bank Bukopin continues to developits operational programmes by applying appropriatepriority scale short term strategies have been compiled carefully. The application of these strategiesare intended to ensure the fulfillment of the comprehensive banking services to customers through a network of linked nationally and internationally, as well as a variety of quality products with a high standard of service. The overall activities and programmes implemented in the end led to the creation of a target Bank Bukopin's image as a trusted banking institutions with a solid financial structure, healthy and efficient. The success of building trust will be able to make Bank Bukopin to give best results keep growing in a sustainable way.
Source: id.wikipedia.org
Lowongan Kerja Bank Bukopin Terbaru
Update 25 November 2014
- Relation Officer (Marketing) – Code (RO)
Customer Service – Code (CS) - Account Officer (Marketing) – Code (AO)
Legal – Code (L)
Persyaratan umum
- Pria dan Wanita.
- Belum menikah.
- Mempunyai penampilan yang menarik.
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana S1.
- Semua jurusan.
- Usia tidak lebih dari 27 tahun.
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang pemasaran.
Date line tanggal 29 November 2014. Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV, fotokopi ijasah yang dilegalisir, sertifikat kursus atau dokumen pendukung lainnya, dan foto berwarna terbaru (ukuran 4×6) kirim ke alamat dibawah ini:
PT Bank Bukopin Tbk
Cabang Samarinda – Jl Jendral Sudirman No 01 Samarinda tanggal 75111.
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
Sumber Lowongan Loker Surakarta
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