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Profile Of Bank BNI Syariah
Loker Surakarta – Bank BNI Syariah, targets of the monetary crisis in 1997 proving the toughness of Shariah banking system. Sharia principles with three (3) that is fair, transparent and capable of answering the needs of the Community Affairs of a banking system that is more fair. With based on lawNo. 10 of 1998, on April 29, 2000 established the Sharia Business Unit (UUS) BNI with 5 branches in Yogyakarta, Malang, Pekalongan, Jepara and Banjarmasin. Next UUS BNI continues to expand to 28 branch offices and 31 Associate Sub-office.
In addition, the customer can also enjoy Sharia branch office services EMANATING FROM Conventional (office channelling) with approximately 1500 outletsspread across the territory of Indonesia. In the implementation of operational banking, BNI Syariah continues to pay close attention to compliance with this aspect of Sharia. With its Syariah Supervisory Board (DPS) which is currently chaired by KH.Ma'ruf Amin, all products of BNI Syariah has been through testing of the DPS that have met the rules of the Shariah.
In the Corporate Plan UUS BNI 2000 established that the status of UUS are temporary and will do a spin offin 2009. The plans were carried out on June 19, 2010 with the operation of the Shariah as Public Bank BNISyariah (BUS). Realization of a spin off in June 2010 ofthe regulatory aspects of external factors that are conducive with the publication of law No. 19 of 2008 concerning Shariah State Securities (SBSN) and Act No. 21 of 2008 about Islamic banking. In addition, the Government's commitment towards the development of Islamic banking and more awareness of the primacy of Sharia banking products is also increasing.
September 2013 the number of branches of the BNISyariah reached 64 branch offices, 161 17 HelpersBranch Office cash office, 22 Cars and 16 Motion Service Payment Point.
Source: www.bnisyariah.co.id
Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah Terbaru
Update 28 November 2014
POSISI : Legal Officer
- Pendidikan minimal S1.
- Jurusan Hukum dari universitas terkemuka.
- Mempunyai 2 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait.
- Mempunyai motivasi tinggi dan integritas yang baik.
- Lancar dalam berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan.
- Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di Jakarta
POSISI : Sekretaris
- Pendidikan minimal S1.
- Segala jurusan dari universitas terkemuka.
- Lebih disukai jurusan Administrasi Bisnis atau Sekretaris.
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait minimal 2 tahun.
- Mempunyai motivasi kerja tinggi dan integritas yang baik.
- Bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan dengan target tertentu.
- Lancar dalam berkomunikasi bahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan.
- Menguasai komputer dengan program Microsoft Office seperti Word, Excel dan Power Point.
- Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di Jakarta
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
Sumber Lowongan Loker Surakarta
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