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Profile Of PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia
Loker Surakarta - ThiessContractors Indonesia, a company, a company engaged in the field of project construction and mining projects in Indonesia. Thiess ContractorsIndonesia standing in Indonesia in 1972. When was the first time that stand, Thiess Contractors Indonesia manage different infrastructure projects, and startingin 1988, Thiess Contractors Indonesia focus onmanaging construction projects and infrastructure,mining, mechanical, electrical, civil, as well as buildings in the country.
Thiess Contractors Indonesia since its establishmenthas already had a clear commitment in order to run its business activities, that is to become the leading company in Indonesia in the field of service project through the appropriate service cost, timely, noaccidents, care about the environment and care about the community around the project handled by Thiess Contractors Indonesia.
In conducting its business, Thiess Contractors Indonesia always concentrate to the satisfaction of the customer or its clients, where in his business activitiesrun Thiess Contractors Indonesia continue to meet the needs of the customer or its clients, so what have been the focus of Thiess Contractors Indonesia can afford toare achieved, i.e. creation of the satisfaction of its clients or customers. Other than that, surely Thiess Contractors Indonesia also not forgetting the role of stakeholders, where Thiess Contractors Indonesia always adds value to its stakeholders.
Thiess Contractors Indonesia is an innovativec ompany, where the innovations undertaken by ThiessContractors Indonesia, Thiess Contractors Indonesiacan afford to hold services with excellence. With theinnovations made by Thiess Contractors Indonesiacase is evidence of where the Thiess ContractorsIndonesia continue to refine and improve the qualityof services services. With the innovations made by Thiess Contractors Indonesia, Thiess Contractors Indonesia can afford to consolidate its position in the market in the field of dirambahnya in Indonesia.
Thiess Contractors Indonesia supported by adequatemeans and prasaran and supported by the latesttechnology, then with the full equipment which you byThiess Contractors Indonesia also technologicallysophisticated, the company was able to provideservices optimally. Other than that, Thiess ContractorsIndonesia also supported by human resources thatyou by Thiess Contractors Indonesia, namely human resources human resources professionals, who are experts in their fields each, human resources are always working hard to give the best human resources, which has a high competitiveness.
In Indonesia, Thiess Contractors Indonesia belongs tokey players in the field of dirambahnya, where a variety of projects have been successfully carried outwith success by Thiess Contractors Indonesia, where during the trip Thiess Contractors Indonesia since its establishment to the present day, thus indicating that Thiess Contractors Indonesia is a company that provided the experience in the field along with by Thiess Contractors Indonesia it.
Source: www.thiess.co.id
Lowongan Kerja PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia Terbaru
Update 5 Desember 2014
Posisi : Administrator Tyre
Deskripsi :
- Reporting directly to the Senior Supervisor of planttechnical services You will be responsible for ensuringthe information contained with all updated on timeand accurately; become an integral part in reducingthe cost per hour of operation through thereporting/analyzing and recommending actions toreduce costs and enhance security; manageregistration light trucks on behalf of TCI.
Persyaratan :
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana.
- Jurusan Teknik Mesin atau manajemen.
- Mempunyai 2 tahun pengalaman bekerja di bidang Tirus Operasional dan Administrasi
- Lancar dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris baik tertulis ataupun lisan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer.
- Mempunyai kemampuan analisis yang baik
Date line tanggal 10 Desember 2014. segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV, transkrip akademik yang dilehalisir serta dokumen penunjang lainnya ke alamat dibawah ini :
HRD Manajer Proyek Jalan Tol – Gedung Ratu Prabu 2 , Jl TB Simatupang Kav 1B Jakarta 12560
Atau bisa ke alamat e-mail : recruitment@thiess.co.id
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
Sumber lowongan Loker Surakarta
Sumber lowongan Loker Surakarta
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