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Profile Of PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero)
Loker Surakarta - PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero) or PPI, knownabroad as the "Indonesia Trading Company" or "ITC", is the only STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES which became the trading house and engaged in export, import and distribution. The PPI is the result of a consolidation of three STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES used to be nicknamed the "Commerce" i.e PT Tjipta Niaga (Persero), PT Dharma Niaga (Persero) and PT Pantja Niaga (Persero) madeon 31 March 2003 based on the Government regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 in 2003. A third ex-"Commerce" originally came from thegroup called "The Big Five" ("the big five") from theNetherlands Indies and later became aGOVERNMENT-OWNED CORPORATION in the 1950s. The main activities of the PPI is general trade, which consists of the export, import and distribution,including: Industrial products: Construction materials (cement, asphalt, steel products, logamlainnya products), Agricultural products (staple ingredients, spices, forest products and fishery products), Chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, hazardous chemicalsand medicines), Machinery and equipment (health equipment,agricultural equipment, heavy machinery and motor vehicles). Consumer products: Some famous brand products such as Unilever), Food products and beverages (especially alcoholic beverages, as importers authorized by the Government of Indonesia). PPI has approximately 869 employees in headquarters and in almost all provinces in Indonesia. PPI has a network marketing/marketing outlets such as offices, warehouses and other infrastructure for the distribution activities in all regions of Indonesia.
Source: id.wikipedia.org
Lowongan Kerja PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia Terbaru
Update 17 Desember 2014
POSISI : Accounting Supervisor
- Usia tidak lebih dari 35 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal Diploma D3 atau Sarjana S1.
- Jurusan Akuntansi.
- Mempunyai 2 tahun tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait.
- Mempunyai pemahaman tentang Akuntansi, Jurnal Akuntansi, membuat serta menganalisis Laporan Keuangan dan menguasai sistem Perpajakan.
- Faham tentang Perusahaan Perdagangan dan mengerti PPH 21, 22, 25 serta PPN.
- Menguasai komputer dengan program Microsoft Excess, Access dan Word.
Date line tanggal 14 Januari 2015. Segera kirimkan aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV + foto terbaru ke alamat dibawah ini :
PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia
B5/7 Mutiara Kosambi 1 Jalan Raya Perancis, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
Sumber Lowongan Loker Surakarta
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