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PT BAnk DKI Profile
The Bank DKI Jakarta first established under the name "the regional development Bank, PT Djakarta Raya" as set forth in the deed of establishment of the limited liabilityCompany the regional development Bank DjakartaRaya (PT Djakarta Raya regional development banks)No. 30 dated 11 April 1961 made by Eliza Pondaagbefore and S.H., Notary in Jakarta, which has gainedthe assignment the Minister of Justice of the Republicof Indonesia in decision letter No. J.A. 5/31/13 11 April1961 and has been listed in the book the registerOffice in the District Court of Jakarta No. 1274 on 26 June 1961 and has announced Additional No. 206 in the News of the Republic of Indonesia No. 41 on June 1, 1962.
In the framework of the adjustment provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 Year1962 regarding Basic provisions, regional development banks and based on local regulations Jakarta No. 61978 on 21 August 1978 about regional development banks Jakarta (BPD Jaya), a form of legal entity the company converted from a limited liability companyJakarta Raya Area Development Bank into a regional development Bank DKI Jakarta. Based on local regulations No. 1 of 1993 dated 15 January 1993performed the basic capital from Rp toRp 300.000.000.000.
On February 1, 1999, the local Government Of DKI Jakarta as the Shareholders published Regulations TheDKI Jakarta Provincial No. 1 in 1999 about the change of the legal form of the regional development BankDKI Jakarta Area from the company became a limited liability company the regional development Bank DKI Jakarta, so as to form a legal entity Company that previously was Regional Companies (PD) is transformed into a limited liability company (PT) with an authorized capital of Rp. 700 billion as stated inDeed No. 4 dated May 6, 1999 of the deed ofestablishment of the limited liability company made byand before Aaron Kamil, S.H. Notary in Jakarta and has been endorsed by the Minister of justice based ondecision letter No. C-8270. HT. 01: 01.99 Th. on 7 May1999 and promulgated in State News no. 45, Supplement No. 3283 June 4, 1999.
In the framework of the adjustment provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 Year2007 on limited liability company of Bank DKI, make changes to the articles of association include the addition of authorized capital become Rp1.500.000.000.000 as stated in Deed No. 21 datedSeptember 12, 2008 about Statements meeting of PTBank DKI made by and before Notary Ny.Poerbaningsih Adi Warsito, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, which has gained approval of the Minister of Justice and human rights of Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-79636.AH.. in 2008 at 01: 29 October 2008.
As stated in Deed No. 09 dated 5 November 2012 about Statements meeting of PT Bank DKI made byand before Notary Nanette Cahyanie Handari AdiWarsito, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, the capital base have done that previously was Rp. 1.500.000.000.000 to Rp.3.500.000.000.000 and have approval of Minister of law and human rights Republic Indonesia with itsLetter No. AHU-57968.AH. year 2012 at 01 November 13, 2012.
The scope of activity of the Bank is to run a generalbanking activities. On November 30, 1992, the Bankobtained the permission to perform the activity as aforeign exchange Bank based on the Bank IndonesiaBoard of Directors ' DECREE No. 25/67/KEP/DIR. in March 2004, the Bank began to perform operational activities based on sharia principles based on BankIndonesia Letter No. 6/39/DpbS dated 13 January 2004 on the principles of syariah Bank branch officeopening in the commercial activity of the Bank.
Source : www.bankdki.co.id
Lowongan Kerja Bank DKI terbaru
Update 06 November 2013
POSISI : Mikro Area Head
- Pria atau Wanita.
- Usia maksimal 40 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1).
- Semua jurusan.
- Faham tentang bisnis perbankan mikro, analisa kredit serta penilaian agunan.
- Mempunyai 6 tahun pengalaman kerja di unit perbankan, sebaiknya perbankan mikro.
- Percaya diri, dan berpenampilan menarik serta mempunyai keterampilan komunikasi yang baik.
- Berorientasi pada sebuah target.
POSISI : Area Financing Reviewer
- Pria atau Wanita.
- Usia maksimal 37 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1).
- Semua jurusan.
- Mempunyai 4 tahun pengalaman kerja dibidang analis mikro
- Faham tentang program Microsoft Office (Word & Excel).
- Mempunyai (SIM C) dan sepeda motor sendiri.
POSISI : Mikro Unit Head
- Pria atau Wanita.
- Usia maksimal 37 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1).
- Semua jurusan.
- Faham tentang bisnis perbankan mikro, analisa kredit serta penilaian agunan.
- Mempunyai 2 tahun pengalaman kerja di unit perbankan, sebaiknya perbankan mikro.
- Mampu bernegosiasi dengan baik terhadap penjualan, dan keterampilan mitigasi kredit.
- Berorientasi pada sebuah target.
POSISI : Financing Reviewer
- Pria atau Wanita.
- Usia maksimal 37 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1).
- Semua jurusan.
- Mempunyai 2 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang perbankan mikro.
- Faham tentang program Microsoft Office (Word & Excel).
- Mempunyai (SIM C) dan sepeda motor sendiri.
POSISI : Marketing
- Pria atau Wanita.
- Usia maksimal 37 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal Diploma (D3).
- Semua jurusan.
- Fresh graduate diperbolehkan untuk melamar.
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman sebagai marketing (perbankan mikro menjadi keuntungan tersendiri).
- Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
- Berorientasi pada sebuah target.
- Integritas yang cukup baik.
- Mempunyai (SIM C) dan sepeda motor sendiri.
POSISI : Relationship and Collection
- Pria atau Wanita.
- Usia maksimal 37 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal Diploma (D3).
- Semua jurusan.
- Mempunyai 1 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang perbankan atau lembaga keuangan, terutama karena pemasaran atau koleksi (micro banking menjadi sebuah keuntungan).
- Mempunyai (SIM C) dan sepeda motor sendiri.
POSISI : Area Support
- Pria atau Wanita.
- Usia maksimal 32 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1).
- Semua jurusan.
- Mempunyai 1 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang administrasi.
- Faham tentang penggunaan komputer dengan program Microsoft Office (Word & Excel).
Date line tanggal 8 November 2014 (09.00 – 13.00 WIB) di Bank DKI Cabang Dago – Jl Ir H Juanda No 119 Bandung Jawa Barat. Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
Sumber Lowongan
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