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Profile Of PT BNI Life Insurance (BNI Life)
Latest jobs BNI Life Insurance – PT BNI Life Insurance (BNI Life) is an insurance company that provides a variety of insurance products such as Life Insurance (soul), health, education, investment, retirement and the Sharia. Establishment of BNI Life, in line with the needs of its parent company, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI, to provide integrated services and financial services to all its customers (one-stop financial services).
The Marketing Office is one of network marketing channel that is owned by BNI Life specifically to market life insurance products (soul) both conventional and Islamic individuals through individual agents. Through December 2013, BNI Life already has 41 offices of marketing with a licensed agent of 1.708. In addition to the agent, BNI Life Bancassurance Specialist also has 688 in BNI branch offices throughout Indonesia.
On March 11, 2014, the financial services authority (OJK) giving consent to change of ownership of the shares of PT BNI Life Insurance ("BNI Life"). Based on the agreement on March 21, 2014, BNI Life with EGM agenda has organized the publication of new shares for as much as 120.279.633 sheets were taken entirely by Sumitomo Life Insurance Company.
Source : bni-life.co.id
Lowongan Kerja BNI Life Insurance Terbaru
Update 06 November 2014
- Agency Partnership Development (Code : APD)
- Medical Advisor (Code : MA)
- Individual Underwritting Manager (Code : IUM)
- Assistant Manager Employee Development (Code : AMED)
- Product Development Manager (Code : PDM)
- Recruitment Specialist (Code : REC)
- Roll Out Staff (Code : ROS)
- Compliance Staff (Code : CS)
- Regional People Developemnt (Code : RPD)
- Sharia Investment Manager (Code : SIM)
- Sales Marketing Manager (Code : SMM)
- Accounting (Code : ACC)
- Actuary (Code : ACT)
- Claim & Development Relationship Staff (Code : CDRS)
- Administration Staff (Code : ADM)
- Relationship Officer (Code : RO)
Persyaratan umum
- Pelamar yang mempunyai pengalaman kerja di perusahaan asuransi dan keuangan lebih disukai.
- Bagi pelamar posisi asisten manajer, harus mempunyai pengalaman kerja selama 5 tahun dibidang terkait.
- Bagi pelamar posisi asisten manajer, harus mempunyai pengalaman kerja selama 3 tahun dibidang terkait.
- Pendidikan minimal D3.
- Jurusan Aktuaris
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1).
- Jurusan Matematika atau Statistik sebagai ACT.
- Nilai IPK 3.00 skala point 4.00.
- Lancar dalam bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulisan.
Date line tanggal 15 November 2014. Segera kirimkan aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV terbaru dan foto terbaru ke alamat email hrd@bni-life.co.id (maksimal 2 MB). Jangan lupa menambahkan kode posisi pada bagian sisi kiri amplop atau subjek email Anda. Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi untuk proses selanjutnya.
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