Loker Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia BUMN

sumber gambar : www.pelni.co.id 
The history of establishment of PT PELNI began with the promulgation of the Joint Decree (LCS) between the Minister of transport and Minister of public workson 5 September 1950, which established the Foundation for the Control Center of the ships (PEPUSKA).
Background of the establishment of the Foundation PEPUSKA of Netherlands Government rejection ofIndonesia's request to change the status of the cruise Netherlands airlines operating in Indonesia, K.P.M N.V.(Koninklijke Paketvaart Matschappij) became a limited liability company (PT).  The Government of Indonesia also wanted ships KPM in running operation voyage in the waters of Indonesia using the red-white flag.  Netherlands Government firmly rejected all the requests submitted by the Government of Indonesia.
With an initial capital of 8 (eight) unit ships with a total of 4,800 DWT tonage (death weight tons), PEPUSKA sailing side by side with the KPM fleet has experienced more than half a century.  The rivalry really unbalancedas it up, because in addition to the KPM fleet has experienced, the number of the fleet is also more contracts as well as having a monopoly.

Finally on April 28, 1952 Pepuska Foundation officially disbanded. At the same time, forming the PT PELNI and based on the decision letter of the Minister of transport m. 2/Number 1/2 28 February 1952 and no.A. 2/1/2 April 19, 1952, as well as News State of the Republic of Indonesia No. 50 dated 20 June 1952. He was its first Director as President of r.  Ma'moen Soemadipraja (1952-1955).

Eight units a ship belonging to the Pepuska Foundation delivered to PT PELNI as initial capital.  Because it is considered not sufficient then the import export Bank provides funds for the purchase of the ship and ordered as an additional 45 "coaster" fromWestern Europe. While waiting for the arrival of"coaster" that ordered from Europe, PELNI charteringforeign vessels consisting of various flags. This step was taken to fill abandoned routes-route KPM. After that one by one the Chartered ships were replaced with "coaster" that came from Europe.  Then coupled with ships results spoils of Japan.
Status of PT PELNI experience twice the change. In 1961 the Government setting the status changes from Company to Company country (PN) and RI State Gazette noted in No. LN 1961. Then in 1975 the company status was changed from State enterprises(PN) became a limited liability company (PT) PELNI pursuant to Statute No. 31 on 30 October 1975. These changes are listed in State RI No. 562-Additional State News 1976 and RI No. 60 dated June 27, 1976.

Along with the passage of time and development efforts, the company experienced some form of business entity changes. In 1975 the company's deed of Incorporation accordingly shaped Number 31 on 30October 1975 and title deeds a change number 22 on 4 March 1998 of the articles of Association of PT Pelni announced in the news of the Republic of Indonesia dated April 16, 1999, additional News 31 Number country number 2203.
Source : www.pelni.co.id

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