Loker Surakarta Bank Commonwealth Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.commbank.co.id 
Profile Of PT Bank Commonwealth

Loker Surakarta  PT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia is a subsidiary of Common wealth Bank of Australia based in Sydney and is the largest integrated financial services provider in Australia.

The presence of PT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia is part of the long-term strategy of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia to develop its business to Asia Pasifk, particularly in Indonesia and China. In Indonesia itself,marked by the opening of representative offices of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia in 1990.

In 1997 the Commonwealth Bank of Australia formed a joint venture company to provide corporate banking services for business entities and other companies of Indonesia. In 2000, the company became PT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia, with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia as the majorshareholder.

In 2007, as part of the development plan of the small and medium Enterprise market (SME), the Commonwealth Bank Indonesia acquires stake in BankNiaga Artha Kencana (ANK) based in Surabaya with a mastery of the dominant market in the area of East Java. The acquisition has helped the Commonwealth Bank Indonesia to strengthen the SME business and build a wider network in eastern part of Indonesia.

Full banking services
PT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia provides full banking services. With its position as the leading service provider of Wealth Management, the Bank is also developing its business focus on Retail Bankingservices, SME and Wholesale Banking, by offering financial solutions that are specially designed according to customer needs.

PT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia offers Retail Banking products and services, which include complete product deposits and loans, mutual fundsas well as the bancassurance, aimed at four groups of customers.  One of them is among Indonesia's middle class is growing rapidly.  Three groups of other equally important clients was the segment of high net-worthindividuals, SME and wholesale banking.

Serving customers through 91 (as of August 31, 2012)Branch Office in 32 major cities in IndonesiaPT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia is committed to fullyexp and the distribution network . This is in order toserve the growing customer base since the last few years and is expected to
increasingly developing. PT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia will continue to increase its presence in order to reach a segment of the middle class in Indonesia. To that end, the Bank adds to the facilities and services of added-value such as an extensive ATM network as well as Internet Banking services for individual and corporate clients.

PT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia operates more than141 ATM * (per 30 June 2012) and will continue to beadded. In addition to maintaining the global ATM network with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, the Commonwealth Bank Indonesia ATM service is connected also with the widest ATM network in Indonesia namely ATM Bersama and PRIMA/BCA. Theen tire network gives access to more than 40,000 ATMs (as of 30 June 2012) in all regions of Indonesia.

Commonwealth Bank Indonesia also offers the convenience of shopping through our partner ship with network for GOOD/BCA Debit and Maestro, which enables Commonwealth Bank ATM cards as debit cards used in Indonesia in more than 100,000 stores or seller in Indonesia. Commonwealth Bank ATM card is designed in accordance with the tastes of the Indonesia market segment class

In addition, Commonwealth Bank Indonesia alsoprovide banking services are convenient, reliable, easy and affordable for customers through Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. This Mobile Banking applicationis the first in Indonesia with an investment feature that makes it easy for customers to buy mutual funds and putting deposits at any time and anywhere.

Excellent Service
In line with the Bank's vision is to be the best financialservices provider in Indonesia through customer service excellence, Commonwealth Bank Indonesia was ranked first among foreign banks and ranking thirdamong all banks in Indonesia in terms of service quality. These results are based on a survey bySynovate, an independent survey company.

Sturdy and confident
In 2010 Fitch Ratings gave a rating of "National long-term AAA with a Stable Outlook" to Commonwealth Bank Indonesia, along with other bank only nine inIndonesia, which shows clearly the Bank's stablefinancial condition. These ratings provide ease for the Commonwealth Bank Indonesia to issue debt instruments in the country in order to finance future growth. In 2011, the Commonwealth Bank Indonesia managed to maintain the AAA rating.

As one of the main markets being the commitment of Commonwealth Bank of Australia in Asia, Indonesia offers promising growth opportunities in service of loans, deposits and investment banking.
Source : www.commbank.co.id

Lowongan Kerja Bank Commonwealth Terbaru

Update 22 November 2014
POSISI : SPS (Strategic Partnership Specialist) MBSB
  • To develop, maintaindig and analyze potential strategic partnership relations with the aim of improving the performance of Commonwealth installation products Digital channels and opening bank accounts
  • Analyze and recommend an increase in features on loop product delivery to meet the needs of strategic partners
  • Tracking competitors ' products and comparison and interfere with other products
  • Manage inter-organizational, inter-departmental divisions, the collaboration between groups related tothe strategic partnership projects or events
  • Collaborate with Corporate Communication and marketing team to create an effective campaign for Commonwealth Digital channel products (BTL, ATL,Digital)
  • Negotiating business model with a partner who can make use of a feature in the Digital Product Line and overall business opportunity

  • Pendidikan minimal Sarjana S1 dari universitas terkemuka.
  • Mempunyai 3 sampai 5 tahun pengalaman kerja dibidang bisnis digital.
  • Mampu berpikir analitis dengan baik.
  • Mempunyai kemampuan memimpin yang baik.
  • Pekerja keras dan loyalitas tinggi.
  • Mempunyai ketrampilan individu yang baik.

Date line anggal 11 Desember 2014.  Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta dokumen pendukung lainnya ke alamat dibawah ini :
PT Bank Commonwealth Indonesia
Wisma Metropolitan II, Lantai 15, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 29-31
Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
Sumber Lowongan Loker Surakarta
Judul: Loker Surakarta Bank Commonwealth Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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