Loker Surakarta PT Asuransi Jiwa InHealth Indonesia Terbaru

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Profile Of PT Asuransi Jiwa InHealth Indonesia

Loker Surakarta - In 2008, PT Askes (Persero) and PT Askes BhaktiCooperatives established PT Asuransi Jiwa InHealthIndonesia (In Health) and stock composition 99,40owned by PT Askes (Persero) and 0.6% owned by PT Askes Bhakti Cooperative. This formation is reinforced through a deed of Establishment of the company as contained in the notary deed n. M Dipo Nusantara PuaUpa, SH No. 2 dated October 6, 2008, which has been endorsed by a decision of the Minister of Justice and human rights the number: AHU-90399.01: 01 AH. in 2008 and additional News Event State RI date 26/12 –2008 No. 104.
In his travels, in 2004 the Government of Indonesia people's representative Council and establish Laws Laws and deciding the number 40 of 2004 on National Social Security Systems (SJSN) and Law  Law number24 year 2011 about the governing body social (BPJS). Both the governing regulation of PT Askes(Persero) dissolved without liquidation and transformsocial security into a governing body health (BPJShealth).
In order to operasional the SJSN, the Government set some rules and decide which one is the implementation of the regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Number 87 by 2013 onsocial security of Health Assets Management. In theGovernment regulations mandated the provision of article 24, paragraph 4, the Agency organizer of social security (BPJS) Health is not allowed to perform directparticipation in activities similar to the field of dutywith a transitional period for 1 (one) year. The implementation of such legislation is the regulation of Health removing BPJS share ownership in PT Asuransi Jiwa InHealth Indonesia.
After going through a thorough discussion, agreementwas reached on health BPJS would remove the share ownership in PT Asuransi Jiwa InHealth Indonesia toPT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., PT Kimia Farma(Persero), Tbk. and PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia(Persero). It is followed by a cooperative of PT AskesBhakti. At this time, the composition of the share of PT Asuransi Jiwa In Health Indonesia PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as much as 60% (sixty percentstocks, PT Kimia Farma (Persero), Tbk. as much as 10% (ten percent) of the stock, and PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) as much as 10% (ten percent) of the shares and 20% (twenty percent) of the entire number of shares placed and paid in full within the company is still owned by the social security Health Providers that ultimately up to no later than 31 December 2014 stock owner ship by Social Security Health governing body be taken entirely by Bank Mandiri. The above agreement on May 2, 2014followed up with the signing of the deed of sale and purchase of shares and strengthened in the notary deed Mala Mukti, S.H., LL.M. regarding the deed of Declaration decisions of Share holders of PT Asuransi Jiwa In Health Indonesia Number 20 on May 5, 2014has been accepted and recorded by the Minister oflaw and human rights based on the letter number:AHU-01805.40.21.2014 dated May 6, 2014.
Since its establishment, PT. Asuransi Jiwa In HealthIndonesia is a life insurance company that has asuperior product in the form of health insurance-based systems of cost control in the form of In Health Managed Care that provides comprehensive benefits with the service quality and costs under control is supported by: the largest provider networks and scattered throug hout Indonesia, and network services that ensure health services 24 hours a day. In addition to Managed Care, In Health also provides health insurance provides Indemnity In Health-basedvalue of the highest benefit for the company in providing on-site health care for employees. In addition, In Health also provides life insurance products, which consists of the In Health Group Term Life, Personal Accident, InHealth In Health End owment, and In Health Credit Life.
All warriors In Health has commitment to provide TotalCare Solution that provides comprehensive solutions to customers. As a form of commitment in providingTotal Care Solution, provides among other Providers In Health Relation Officer (PRO) as an information center at the hospital or provider In Health and which is also a representation of the InHealth to enhancerelationships partner ships with providers (health caregiver) in providing quality health services to participants of the In Health, Customer Relation Officer (CRO) is ready to assist the company in providinginformation about health services the standardresolution of complaints, and partnered with the company to create an insurance plan that is right forthe company.
With the regulatory changes related to health insurance coverage, currently has signed the implementation Coordination In health of Benefit with the BPJS health and has had its products as well as the mechanism of Yes
Source : www.inhealth.co.id

Lowongan Kerja PT Asuransi Jiwa InHealth Indonesia Terbaru

Update 17 November 2014
POSISI : Account Executive Jakarta
Persyaratan :
  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma D3 atau Sarjana S1.
  • Mempunyai basic penjualan.
  • Faham tentang pembuatan proposal penawaran kepada institusi baru
  • Mampu bernegosiasi awal dalam penjualan kepada institusi baru
  • Faham tentang perhitungan premi sementara untuk institusi baru
  • Mempunyai kendaraan pribadi.
Benefit :
  • Menerima Gaji bulanan
  • Menerima komisi berdasarkan pencapaian

Date line tanggal 19 November 2014.  Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran anda lengkap beserta CV dan poto terbaru melalui sumber lowongan dibawah ini, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
Sumber Lowongan Loker Surakarta
Judul: Loker Surakarta PT Asuransi Jiwa InHealth Indonesia Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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