Loker Surakarta PT Bumitangerang Mesindotama BT COCOA Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.btcocoa.com 
Profile Of PT Bumitangerang Mesindotama (BT COCOA)

Loker Surakarta-PT. Bumitangerang Mesindotama, Good quality cocoa products can only be obtained through cooperation with the cocoa farmers. To further enhance the good cooperation with farmers, BT BT Care programs open Cocoa in August 2011 that focuses on enhancing partnerships both with the farmers, the provision of training, rehabilitation and bought cocoa directly from the farmers who are partnered. Purchase with large numbers and continued to increase throughout Indonesia, will make it easier for farmers to sell directly to us with the assurance of an appropriate price. Thus the quality of life of farmers as well as the quality of cocoa will continue to increase.

Operating in the countries of origin, which is also the third largest cocoa producer in the world, giving it a distinct competitive advantage. Unlike most chocolate processing, we have recognized the importance of "taking a step back in order to move forward." Recognizing the importance of COCOA BT working together and collaborating with cocoa farmers. Such collaboration and cooperation to ensure the correct fulfillment of customer needs but does not interfere with the capacity of cocoa will be world for future generations.

With that in mind, the BT Cocoa has launched a program of BT CARE (Cocoa Assistance and Rehabilitation Efforts) which is a program that aims to address the issue of the stability and sustainability of cocoa ranging from the most basic level. With this in mind, we have increased our focus on buying in the area and establish a direct relationship with the farmers. Our large and growing throughout Indonesia, assures the quality of supply and manage risk.

Recognized as a leading provider of global cocoa that focus on sustainable growth

Cocoa products meet the needs of customers with passion and integrity, ensuring a high sustainable growth both economically and environmentally.

Source: www.btcocoa.com
Loker Surakarta

Lowongan Kerja PT Bumitangerang Mesindotama BT COCOA Terbaru

Update 26 November 2014
Posisi : Purchasing Staff
Persyaratan :

  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma D3.
  • Segala jurusan.
  • Mampu memimpin sebuah team
  • Menguasai komputer.
  • Lancar Bahasa Inggris.
  • Mempunyai 1 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait.
  • Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan diwilayahdi Tangerang.
  • Lebih disukai Staff dalam Pembelian, Persediaan dan Material, Manajemen Gudang atau setara.

Date line tanggal 5 Desember 2014.  Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda beserta CV dan poto terbaru ke alamat email dibawah ini:
hrd@btcocoa.com cc ke : f_nasyir@btcocoa.com
Atau bisa ke alamat: 
 Jl. Dipati Unus No.30 Cibodas, Tangerang 15138
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.Sumber lowongan Loker Surakarta
Judul: Loker Surakarta PT Bumitangerang Mesindotama BT COCOA Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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