Loker Surakarta Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.bankmandiri.co.id 
Profile Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk

Loker Surakarta - Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk was established on October 2, 1998, as part of the restructuring program implemented by the Government of Indonesia. In July 1999, four Government banks — that Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Export Import Indonesia and Bank Pembangunan Indonesia  into Bank Mandiri, where each bank has a role in the development of an integral part of the economy Indonesia. Up to this dayBank Mandiri continues the tradition for more than140 years of contributing in the world of banking andthe economy of Indonesia.

Consolidation and integration

Immediately after the merger, Bank Mandiri implement the consolidation process thoroughly. At that time, we closed 194 over lapping branches nearby and rationalization of the number of employees of the combined amount 26600 became 17.620. Brand Bank Mandiri is implemented to all networks and all other advertising and promotion activities.  One of the achievements of the most signifi cant independent Bank is to replace the technology platform as a whole. Bank Mandiri inherit a total of 9 core banking system which is different from its predecessor banks 4. Bank Mandiri immediately invest to consolidate systems from the strongest platform. It takes three years and funding of US $ 200 million to develop a program to replace the previous core banking platform to fit the standard retail banking. Now IT infrastructure independent Bank has been providing system data processing straigth-through a uniform interface and for its customers. In accordance with our vision, Bank Mandiri entered into a profitable business segments and have the prospect of growing, while simultaneously acting as a comprehensive banking institutions. To that end, independent Bank focused on segment of the corporate, commercial, retail, as well as micro & consumer finance with different strategies in each of its businesses and synergize with the entire existing market segments. The presence of Bank Mandiri as a Domestic Bank in Indonesia Multispecialty can be translated into specific measures with the dominant market share in the growing segment that we focus on.  In addition, Bank Mandiri also has the vision to be the leading bank in Indonesia. As a public bank, Bank Mandiri's vision to become a blue chip public bank in South east Asia is going to be measured by market capitalization.
Source : www.bankmandiri.co.id

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri Persero Terbaru

Update 19 November 2014
POSISI : Fraud Control Management Staff

  • Single.
  • Belum menikah.
  • Pendidikan minimal D3.
  • Nilai IPK minimal 2,75.
  • Usia 23 tahun untuk calon fresh graduate.
  • Usia 25 tahun untuk yang berprngalaman.
  • Tidak ada hubungan keluarga yang bekerja di Bank Mandiri.
  • Mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan mendaftar melalui sumber lowongan dibawah ini, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
Sumber Lowongan Loker Surakarta 
Judul: Loker Surakarta Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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