Loker Surakarta Terbaru PT Semen Jawa

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Profile PT Semen Jawa

Loker SurakartaPT Semen Jawa, Corporate giants from Thailand, SCG, building an environmentally friendly cement factory in SukabumiThe operation of this factory will be carried out by the subsidiary company, PT Semen Jawa (SJW). To support the construction of a cement factory this Procurement contracts did a signing SCG Machining andconstruction (Engineering Procurement and Construction/EPC) and CONCH, manufacturing company and a provider of cement. SJW is a manufacturer of cement in Indonesia. The company is part of strategic subsidiaries The Siam Cement Public Company Limited (SCG Group), a leading businessconglomerate from Thailand.

The new factory will have a production capacity of 5,000 tons per day. Construction project of environmental friendly cement factory with a production capacity of 1.8 million tons per year will cost Rp 3.4 trillion (US $ 356 million) and is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2015. Thiscooperation with SJW will purchase machinery,equipment and machinery as well as obtaining of construction for a new factory of Anhui Conch Design and Research Institute of Building materials (ACDI),subsidiary CONCH.

Nantapong Chantrakul, President Director of PT Semen Jawa, subsidiary of SCG Cement Building Materials in Indonesia, said: "regardless of the abilityof the construction and services owned, we are confident that the advanced technology which can offer, especially on CONCH part machining and designthat focuses on environmental friendliness, later will produce emissions, dust, low noise and little vibrationas well. It is in accordance with our shadow over what could be provided by an environmentally friendlycement factory. "

With the breakthrough green technology designedspecifically, this cement factory will use a cloth filterbag or filter, so that the resulting emissions beinglower. More than that, the cement factory will be utilizing a closed-circuit water cooling system so thatwater consumption be low low, as well as using the machine surface mines in the mining operations to suppress dust, vibration and noise.

SCG is one of ASEAN's conglomerate, consists of threemain businesses: SCG Chemicals, SCG and SCG PaperCement Building Materials. SCG has been operating inIndonesia since 1995 and gradually has expanded its investments in businesses as diverse as PVC, ceramic tile and joint ventures with partners in the building materials segment. Currently the SCG has more than5,700 employees in Indonesia and a total of 20companies in various industries, including thepetrochemical, cement and building materials

Nowadays, SCG has a total of 21 companies inIndonesia, among others, PT SCG Readymix Indonesia(Jayamix), PT Semen Lebak, Keramika PT Indonesia TbkPT Semen etc Associated Java headquartered in Jakarta and have production facilities in Sukabumi of West Java (under construction and expected to becompleted in the third quarter of 2015). TaoyuanFactory will have a production capacity of 1.9 milliontons per year with a total investment of Rp 3.4 trillion (US $ 356.000.000).

Due to strengthen his team, PT Semen Jawa was looking for qualified candidates to fill the followingpositions.
Source : search google

Lowongan Kerja PT Semen Jawa Terbaru

Update 30 November 2014
Posisi : Maintenance Technician (90 Posisi)
Persyaratan :

  • Pria.
  • Pendidikan minimal D3.
  • Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Elektro.
  • Nilai IPK minimal 3.00 skala point 4.
  • Mampu melakukan perawatan mesin

Kelengkapan :
  • CV dalam Bahasa Inggris.
  • Fotokopi Ijazah yang dilegalisir.
  • FotokopiTranskrip Nilai yang dilegalisir.
  • Foto berwarna terbaru.

Date line tanggal 19 Desember 2014. Jika anda tertarik,  Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda melalui email dibawah ini:
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
Judul: Loker Surakarta Terbaru PT Semen Jawa; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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