Loker Surakarta PT Kao Indonesia Tbk Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.kao.com 
Profile PT. Kao Indonesia 

Loker Surakarta - Kao Indonesia, Kao Corporation present in Indonesia with resting on the belief that the nation's net is a prosperous nation.  Through a healthy way of life is a reflection of a better level of life.   The slogan of this stabilizing Kao Corporation to continually be manufacturers who care about the quality of health care through quality products which he had made.

In 1985, Kao Corporation has made a big step with Dino Indonesia with   PT Industrial Company Ltd. has been producing powdered detergent Dino since 1969.The combined company was named two PT. Dino Indonesia Industrial Ltd. with stock ratio 50: 50.Together with PT. Rodamas KAO Corporation continues to attempt to promote a way of life that is cleaner, more beautiful and healthier.  Through a longenough time span, in 1990 established PT. Dino Indonesia which market their products PT. Dino Indonesia Industrial Ltd, and in early 1997, PT. Dino Indonesia Industrial Ltd., merged with PT Dino kao Indonesia PT. to PT. Kao Indonesia

PT. Kao Indonesia engaged in the business of consumer goods (Consumer Goods) are generally grouped into three categories as follows:

Products household needs in the form of clothing SOAP "ATTACK".
Skin care including facials soaps and bath soaps"BIORE".
Health care namely sanitary napkins "LAURIER".
As for the Kao Group business group intended for theconsumer segments include:

The beauty care business includes products of cosmetics, skin care and hair care premium quality.
Health care businesses with some of its products as a health drink and a female care products and baby.
The chemical business, where we develop chemical products as raw materials to meet the various needs of industry.

Clothing Care businesses and house holds which include detergents and house hold cleaning products.
Kao Indonesia has adopted Kao BCG since 2008 and has since also been BCG Kao expand through "Integrity workshop" throughout the ranks Of PT Kao Indonesia and throughout the employee with allgrades.  Kao BCG is used as the basic guidelines in the company's everyday activities, so the whole business activities can be done as well as possible in accordance with the values and ethics of trying that finally makes the PT Kao Indonesia as an advanced company, trusted and respectable.

Kao Group Business activities based on the needs of consumers or customers.  Each of the individuals and groups within the company mutually cooperate well and through the spirit of Yoki-Monozukuri.  The company can produce products and services that allow to share happiness with consumers and our customers.  In various fields of business that companiesrun, Kao remains committed to using the principle of Yoki-Monozukuri, which every consumer and customer satisfaction are always maintained.

To be a global company's most Gruop understand andclose in the hearts of consumers and customers in each market, appreciated and trusted by all stake holders.

Strive wholeheartedly to customer satisfaction and improved quality of life globally and contributes to the development of a sustainable society by producinghigh-quality products in accordance with the point of view of consumers and customers.

With this mission, committed to all members of the Kao Group worked passionately to share the excitement with consumers and customers in thecompany's core business areas, namely health, beauty, hygiene-related chemicals.   PT Kao Indonesia has a motto to create man and a clean environment, healthy and beautiful. Ultimately, Kao Indonesia has always had a strong commitment to always give contribution to society and the environment.

Source: www.kao.com

Lowongan Kerja PT Kao Indonesia Terbaru 

Posisi : Operator Mixing
Persyaratan :
  • Pria
  • Usia tidak lebih dari 22 – 26 tahun.
  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma D3.
  • Jurusan Teknik Kimia.
  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun sebagai operator produksi
  • Fresh graduate dipersilakan mendaftar.
  • Sanggup bekerja dengan sistem shift.
  • Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan diwilayah Cikarang - Jawa Barat.

Date line tanggal 27 November 2014.  Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta dokumen pendukung lainnya ke alamat dibawah ini:
PT. KAO Indonesia
Karawang International Industrial City (KIIC)
Jl. Harapan Raya VI Lot. LL 3A Karawang Barat 41361, Indonesia
atau melalui alamat e-mail : eka.mulyaningtyas@kao.co.id
Hanya kandidat terrpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
Judul: Loker Surakarta PT Kao Indonesia Tbk Terbaru ; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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