Loker Surakarta PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.gt-tires.com 
Profile PT Gajah Tunggal

Loker Surakarta - Gajah Tunggal, a company, a manufacturer and distributor of leading tires in Southeast Asia.  A gajah tunggal offers high-quality production of tyres for vehicles such as cars and motorcycles, as well as forinner tubes, and also industrial.  Other than that, a Gajah Tunggal is also a manufacturer and distributor of rubber products among other threads regarding tyres, tubes, flaps, o-ring, rubber, synthetic, and much more. Gajah Tunggal was established in 1951, when it started the establishment of a Gajah Tunggal the firstby producing bicycle tires. Then since its establishment, the more it fro a Gajah Tunggal grewrapidly to become a leading tire manufacturers in Southeast Asia.

Gajah Tunggal now has five factory tires and tubesthat have been updated in order to produce a variety of types and sizes of tires, bias tires, radial and motorcycle tires. A gajah tunggal also has twofactories that produce tire cloth and SBR tire manufacturing facilities to deal with. His fifth tire factories that are owned by a gajah tunggal is located in Miri, in Indonesia. While the factory SBR hada Gajah Tunggal is located in a complex of chemical industry in Merak, Banten, in Indonesia.

Gajah Tunggal has been famous for its products that have high quality pitted brave the market, making it the largest tire company reputation in Southeast Asia capable of obtained by a Gajah Tunggal. A Gajah Tunggal is also the innovative company, with innovations that are carried out by a Gajah Tunggal,the elephant is able to provide a Single service of the best quality products to provide satisfaction to our customers. In addition, supported by adequate and up-to-date facilities, Gajah Tunggal is also supported by a reliable human resources. Human resource sowned by a gajah tunggal is the people who have the expertise and skills in their fields each. Human resources owned by a Gajah Tunggal are the ones that have a high motivation and dedication is high.

Gajah Tunggal since its Foundation has been committed to being the company's leading tire manufacturer and distributor in Southeast Asia and even in the world. That way, a Gajah Tunggal has its vision and mission in order to fulfill that commitment. Where the vision of a Gajah Tunggal is about to become a Good Corporate Citizen by being market leaders in a sustained by Indonesio solid financial, as well as companies that produce quality tires with quality international standards. And to smooth the vision, then a Gajah Tunggal then have missions to launch the achievement of the vision. A Gajah Tunggal mission is to be a company that producesand distributes the products reliable tires that become the primary choice for consumers, then give the benefit to stakeholders, then organizes social responsibility, then always improve the quality of the resulting product.
Source: www.gt-tires.com

Lowongan Kerja PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk Terbaru

Update 29 November 2014
Posisi : Web Developer

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  • Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan diwilayah Jakarta.

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Kec. Jatiuwung Tangerang Banten
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Judul: Loker Surakarta PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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