Loker Surakarta PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.holcim.co.id 
Profile PT Holcim Indonesia

Loker Surakarta-Holcim Indonesia, a company, is a manufacturer ofcement companies in Indonesia.  PT Semen Cibinong standing in 1971, so early is the name of this company.  Then on December 13, 2001, Holcim is buying half of its shares. Holcim Indonesia now has two factories, thefactory of Cilacap and Narogong plant with a capacity of up to 7.9 million tonnes per year. Holcim Ltd (Switzerland) is the largest stock owner in Holcim Indonesia namely of 77,33 percent by the public, while the rest of 22.7 percent, accounting for per July 2008.Eamon Ginley President Director currently is. Since 13December 2001, Holcim Indonesia is one of the largestcement companies in the world.

In Indonesia, the company Holcim is the innovator andpioneer in the field of manufacture of cement, and inIndonesia, as the fast growing market for infrastructure expands, as the market for homes, as the market for commercial buildings. Holcim Indonesia is the only manufacturer of various of 10 kinds of cement, aggregates and concrete. A uniqueand exciting franchise is being built by Holcim Indonesia, to provide a complete home solution, a solution upgrade and affordable housing. Holcim Indonesia has more than 11,500 buildings expertskilled and trained, in mid-2011 399 franchise and presence televendita develops.

Across the Holcim Indonesia's products are sold in over 15 thousand retail stores. The first to go down to the market with the Holcim Beton Speed Crete. Donewith a quick settings that do not will spend much timeon road repair and construction work. Holcim also wasthe first one over the phone against the concrete processing delivery, providing the possibility of same-day delivery of ready mix concrete through Mini Mixphone service. Holcim is a pioneer in order to create acentre of professional excellence in vocational and managerial skills, founded the Academy of Holcim, where there students are practicing skills to draw from all over Southeast Asia. From Java, Holcim to serve the home market of the two main production location and with a capacity of cement grinding station of 8.3million tons per year. In order to open by 2013, aproduction site in Tuban, East Java being built of 1.7mtpa. In some concrete batching, two stone quarriesand an extensive logistics network of warehouses andsilos, thus developing Holcim operates.

Holcim has a team and the team, Geocycle offers the solution of waste disposal industry model of total, urban, and agricultural, both hazardous and waste disposal which is not harmful. For customers whocome, Holcim provides Holcim provides peace of mind. Cement factory in Cilacap in 2011 is just one of several businesses in Indonesia who received gold award from the Ministry of the environment, get ranked and award PROFER is Indonesia's highest award for environment and waste treatment.  Assessment of green already held by PROFER Plant Narogong plant Narogong, is part of Holcim.

Still in the year 2011, the highest award in addition to the above, Holcim also reached the first rank in the Green Industry Awards for the second year, and is already the third time in a row the Golden Flag award winning health and safety. Holcim was the onlybusiness that was awarded the Ozone, where Holcim is recognized as a sustainable company safely disposing of ozone destroyer. Holcim also programs recognized by the Government as the company in charge of thesocial non-profit Foundation Dompet Dhuafa andlocal, such care is a form of public relations for Holcim.To PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk was created in 2006.Holcim Indonesia already employs more than 25 thousand people. And it has been listed on theIndonesia stock exchange in 1977.

In a step goal, Holcim work embodies the values that Americans hold high by the company, namely: our strength is a partnership; Our performance isdelivering our promise, our Passion is to care.

Vision and mission PT Holcim Indonesia

The Vision Of PT Holcim Indonesia
To become a manufacturer of cement and Indonesia's leading retail company
Mission PT Holcim Indonesia

Provide solutions regarding sustainable building that is focused on different customer segments
Attentive to safety and the environment
Build a network of terintregasi, doing community development, leadership skills, and has a clever punon innovative
Build the solution for a sustainable society
Source: www.holcim.co.id

Lowongan Kerja PT Holcim Indonesia Terbaru

Update 26 November 2014
Posisi : Area Sales Coordinator
Persyaratan :

  • Pendidikan minimal sarjanan S1.
  • Jurusan Teknik Sipil , Arsitektur dan Manajemen
  • Mempunyai sertifikat dibidang manajemen mutu atau minimal faham tentang manajemen mutu.
  • Mempunyai 5 tahun pengalaman kerja dibidang penjualan dan 2 tahun di produk sejenis.
  • Atau pengalaman kerja dibidang industri penjualan ritel, menjadi point tambah.
  • Menguasai komputer dengan program Microsoft Office.
  • Lancar bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tertulis.

Date line tanggal 5 Desember 2014.  Segera kunjungi website resmi melalui career Holcim di www.holcim.co.id atau mengunjungi link sumber lowongan dibawah ini, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi kelanjutannya.
Sumber Lowongan Loker Surakarta
Judul: Loker Surakarta PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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