Loker Surakarta PT Acer Indonesia Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.acer.co.id 
Acer Indonesia's Profile

Loker Surakarta-Acer Indonesia success and big names were derived from a man named J.T. Wang, Wang's experience inoperations management have contributed greatly toAcer in the span of more than 25 years. With him on the Acer served as Chairman and CEO of Acer in 2005 and was named in TIME magazine's annual list of the100 most influential people in the world by 2010,ranked No. 2 on the list of leaders. Pengaruhnyalahfrom Acer is now able to increase the range of its business ventures and became one of the leading company in the field of computer hardware.

Acer computer company is ranked the world's top five.Its products include PCs, laptops, servers, computer equipment, peripherals, and consulting/businesssolutions for corporate, private or Government. Acerwas established in 1976 under the name Multitech,and officially renamed Acer in 1987. Acer already hascompanies in several countries and employs approximately 39,000 employees in more than 100 countries. Its headquarters are located in Taipei County's Sijhih areas, City, Taiwan. In 2002, its revenues reached US $ 12.9 billion.

In recent years the North American product marketing at Acer setbacks while an increase in salesin the European market. become a major sponsor ofone of the team's formula 1 Grand Prix, giving major influence on the success of the marketing of Acer's market share in Europe.

In accordance with the aim of Acer were able to overcome the problems and difficulties of human technology, which simplifies the work of humans with the help of technology. at the level of personal computers Acer gained rank 2, world markets respond positively to the development of the company whereAcer is able to integrate effectively the various functions of computer technology.

Eco-friendly products have been designed Acer Acerattention as proof against earth and the environment, in 2012 the Acer became partners together at theLondon Olympics and previously at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

already 30 years Acer contributed to the history ofinformation technology, Acer gives a strategic role inthe development and advancement of computer world by embracing more human resource scattered throughout parts of the world that is divided into the Group of companies. Achieving revenue in 2010 was US $ 19.900.000.000.

Acer Indonesia success reaching the top ten world ranking for this type of information technology, personal computers became my way out to the effectiveness of the work of man. Acer has a far futurein which all aspects of human is the utilization of technology. Acer products are venturingon the use of desktop, mobile, media storage, display,electronic business solutions, education, governmentservice and the user. Through the innovation effort willmake it easier to achieve a competitive market share where Acer is able to be a winner amongst the bisinisand fast moving IT forward.

Source: www.acer.co.id

Lowongan Kerja PT Acer Indonesia Terbaru

Update 26 November 2014
Posisi : Channel Account Manager – Modern Channel
Tugas :

  • Develop and maintain good relations with all of the Modern Channel account.
  • Provide an accurate estimate for supply managementin the modern Channel account.
  • Create, implement and monitor the program of retailconsumers in the modern Channel account
  • Develop modern Channels for Acer Consumer Products

Persyaratan :
  • Pendidikan minimal Sarjana S1.
  • Jurusan Bisnis atau Ekonomi.
  • Mempunyai 3 tahun pengalaman kerja dibidang terkait.
  • Mempunyai pengalaman kerja dalam menangani produk Smart Phone atau memiliki eksposur Smart Industri Telepon.
  • Mempunyai pengalaman dalam penanganan Saluran modern seperti Carrefour, Giant, Lotte, dll.
  • Mempunyai keterampilan interpersonal yang baik.
  • Mampu bekerja secara team maupun individu.
  • Menguasai komputer dengan aplikasi program seperti MS Office, MS Outlook, internet, dll.

Date line tanggal 5 Desember 2014.  Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV ke alamat dibawah ini:
Head Office, Acer Group Indonesia
The Plaza Office Tower 42nd Floor, Jl. MH Thamrin Kav. 28-30, Jakarta 10350 
Atau melaui email : recruitment.indonesia@acer.com
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
Judul: Loker Surakarta PT Acer Indonesia Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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