Loker Surakarta PT Ultra Prima Abadi Orang Tua Group Terbaru

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PT Ultra Prima Abadi Parents Group

Loker Surakarta-Ultra Prima Abadi Parents Group, the parents Group is one of the business group consumer products in Indonesia. The company manufactures a variety of products ranging from snack foods to the food weight. Group Group Parent manufacturing company move quickly dealing with food and drink & consumer products such as wine Wafer Parents, Tango, Oops, Formula, Vita Charm, Kayaking nut, Kiranti.

Business and Business Trip tracing the Parents Group in Indonesia began in 1948 when it's warm welcome and acceptance of society against traditional health drinks becoming increasingly widespread. To meet the needs and prospects of this effort, the parents Group established a factory to be built in Semarang, then two years later built another factory in Jakarta. Along with the development of business and the needs of the community, parent Group build the various production facilities as well as a new business unit, starting with the toothpaste and toothbrush brand FORMULA.

Starting in 1985, formed a holding company with the name exists, stands for Attention, Direction and Action. Through the flag THERE is a business development and product diversification keeps actively performed. The production capacity increased continuously done by progress and increasing the resulting product needed a reliable sales team. To handle as well as the control of distribution channels in the dissemination of these products, the management of the elderly Group appoints Pt Arta Boga Brilliantly as the sole distributor in Indonesia. Emphasis products through sales to both traditional and modern markets are addressed and managed either by Arta Boga brilliantly.

Since 1995, THERE is again renamed to parents. Brand value-laden parents that history turns out to have been entrenched in Indonesia, so society became one of the hallmarks of positioned itself at the center of the community. In addition, the Parent label is also synonymous with traditional health drink which is already embedded in the minds of consumers. Therefore, revitalizing the name also considered logo needs to be done in line with the business development strategy of entering the consumer goods business.

In 2004 the logo changes to parent describes as the company's branded products are the first choice of consumers that a dynamic, vigorous, young-at-heart, and become the pride of its employees. Business is growing and progressing, it is characterized by the addition of business units as well as new products including the Ultra Prima Abadi PT which has now entered into a variety of industry categories include; Dairy Product, the Jelly Product, RTD TeaPersonal Care, Confectionery, Health Drink, Wafer Biscuit and Snack & & Nut. The company was originally engaged in the production of traditional health drink has now evolved into the everyday needs of product manufacturers.

Through research and innovation, Ultra Prima Abadi PT always presents a Unique Winning Products call it Formula brands, Tango, Oops, Vitacharm, Kiranti, and others that are familiar. This is to win the competition and create the branded products the first choice of consumers with the brand investments continue to do. Our commitment to quality and innovation encourage PT Ultra Prima Abadi is able to stand upright for more than half a century and become one of the national consumer goods company that is ready to compete with the world's companies to competitors. Some brands of product Ultra Prima Abadi even became the market leader in Indonesia as well as grab a variety of awards for customer satisfaction is also the best brands through nationally recognized surveyor or internationally.

Some progress has been diraihi this does not escape the values that have been a prime Eternal Ultra as the company's Parent Group, namely since the beginning as well as family relations with consumers, employees, owners, and other parties concerned. The presence of a parent Group that is to continually meet the needs of consumers as well as contributing to the well-being of society. Therefore, Ultra Prima Abadi continues to strive to develop and improve services and the quality of the products according to the needs of consumers, good for now and the future.

Loker Surakarta

Lowongan Kerja PT Ultra Prima Abadi Orang Tua Group Terbaru

Update 26 November 2014
Posisi : Formulator
Tugas :
  • Pengembangan formulasi produk baru.
Persyaratan :

  • Pendidikan minimal Sarjana S1.
  • Jurusan Biologi, Makanan Techology, Farmasi, Apotechary atau Teknik (Kimia)
  • Nilai IPK minimal 3.00.
  • Fresh graduate diperbolehkan untuk melamar.
  • Menyukai tantangan bekerja di laboratorium.
  • Mempunyai kemauan tinggi untuk belajar dilingkungan kerja baru.
  • Lancar bahasa Inggris, baik lisan dan tulisan

Date line tanggal 5 Desember 2014.  Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV ke alamat dibawah ini:
PT. Ultra Prima Abadi Orang Tua Group
Jl. Lingkar Luar Barat Kav. 35 – 36, Rawa Buaya – Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat 11740
Atau melalui alamat email : recruitment.cs2@ot.co.id / recruitment.be@ot.co.id
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi sumber lowongan dibawah ini.
Sumber lowongan Loker Surakarta
Judul: Loker Surakarta PT Ultra Prima Abadi Orang Tua Group Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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