Loker PT Unilever Indonesia Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.unilever.co.id 
Company Profile
Unilever Indonesia, a company is a company that becomes products manufacturer Home and Personal as well as Food and Ice Cream in Indonesia. Unilever Indonesia stands on December 5, 1933. Unilever Indonesia has products that have been very well known by the public at large in Indonesia, among the brands of products it is this: Lux, Lifebuoy, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Vaseline, Rinso, Molto, Sunlight, Pepsodent, Walls, Royco, Bango, Blue Band, and there are still others. The products of Unilever were the products of a high quality which is always trusted by its customers and always be the first choice of our customers.

Unilever Indonesia through the products it generates it as with the purpose of Unilever Indonesia, namely to make the consumer feel comfortable, have a good appearance and more to enjoy life through the brands and services that provide avail for them as well as others. Unilever Indonesia through the release of products that provide inspiration for implementing the Act entrenched each day which if collected would make a big change. Unilever Indonesia is also very concerned about the environment, where the resulting products it generates it, Unilever Indonesia continue to minimize the harm to the environment.

Unilever Indonesia belongs to the innovative companies, where the innovations undertaken by Unilever Indonesia thus is an attempt to fulfill the needs of its customers. With the innovations made by Unilever Indonesia, likewise shows that Unilever Indonesia develop its business activities through the enhancement of products of high quality for berkesinambunga. Unilever Indonesia with innovations that he did it to be able to continue to create products that are of high quality and beneficial to the lives of its customers.

Unilever Indonesia since its establishment has already had a clear commitment in order to run its business activities, that is to become a company that produces products for Home and Personal as well as Food and Ice Cream in Indonesia. And during his journey through Indonesia, Unilever's products that have been rendered unable to realize the great reputation, where products from Unilever Indonesia already used by two billion people on each day. Unilever Indonesia via the products high-quality was already contributing to any individual or group to make their lives better.

Unilever Indonesia with all its powers, be it through the products it produces as well as other supporting factors that Unilever Indonesia is ready to challenge the market at dirambahnya industries, where since its foundation up to now on industrial dirambahnya it, Unilever Indonesia is a key player in the field of Home and Personal products as well as Food and Ice Cream. Unilever Indonesia is a highly experienced company, so that the business grew increasingly held by Unilever Indonesia, Unilever Indonesia will continuously enhance the sense of responsibility that have been previously owned. Unilever Indonesia is always ready to be a main selection of the trust and its customers through the products it generates it.

Source: Unilever Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Terbaru

Update 1 November 2014
Posisi : Assitant Area sales Manager (AASM)
Persyaratan :

  • Pendidikan Minimal Sarjana (S1).
  • Nilai IPK minimal 2.80.
  • Usia maksimal 28 tahun.
  • Pernah aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi.
  • Komunikatif, Dinamis, sehat jasmani dan rohani.
  • Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan diseluruh Indonesia

Date line tanggal tanggal 12 November 2014.  segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda beserta CV dan poto terbaru ke alamat dibawah ini:
Career Development Center Universitas Sebelas Maret (CDC UNS)
Gedung Biro Administrasi Kemahasiswaan UNS
Lantai II
Jl Ir. Sutami no.36A , Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta – Jawa Tengah 57126
telp : (0271) 8003280 atau (0271) 646994 ext. 475
fax : (0271)663378 , website:  http://cdc.uns.ac.id
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
Judul: Loker PT Unilever Indonesia Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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