Loker Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia Terbaru

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Profile PT Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia
In January 1960, PT Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia start was founded. Aware of the responsibility as an industrialist, the company remains devoted to the progress and development of society and the welfare of society through business activities being run, so the expected impact on the increased quality of life around the world.

SANYO Electric Group in his capacity as the electronic industry is able to develop unique technology and offer excellent products and services that are sincere and strive to be a company that is trusted and loved by the world community. In line with the filosopi of the late founder Toshio Iue SANYO, has fervent ambition to do business worldwide, maximizing the company's three core assets, namely human resources an excellent, superior technology and first-class service. Thus the company name also implies a business and policy areas.

As it has been lansir in a statement, SANYO Electric Group is always trying to be important for people everywhere in the world, like the Sun that shines light up all the covers of life that illustrate an endless passion and energy, Required technology describes the creative and innovative as well as describing the attitude of sincere, warm, sincere and dedication. Of those principles as a reflection of the quality of work to be proud all over the world.

These fundamental principles are capable of diimlemantasikan on behavior of set guidelines that must be followed by all SANYO Electric Group Director, officer and employee in all of their activities. Each of the directors, officers and employees are expected to always think and act from a global perspective and strive with relentless determination to offer products and services that are unparalleled merit recognition as a world class company. The philosophy underlying the principle of Behavior is the courage and determination to confront new challenges.

Through the spirit of the founder of the company, realized in creating excellent products that is unmatched by competitors and the electronic industry competitors. Through such an approach can provide stimulus and bring joy in each of its activities, so as to allow all the elements the company can contribute up to the community. Regardless of whether working in production or sales, through existing resources should always be using the most efficient methods and proceed with the work in a scientific way. Work accurately, giving attention to the start of the smallest and closest thing in detail.

The following values are always applied in the corporate culture and work environment, among others;
  • Integrity: acting with integrity. The pride and courage, and respect the rules of fair competition and a global perspective
  • Customer Oriented: anticipating what will satisfy the customer. Job expectations, high-quality jobs and the Work that the trust benefits customers.
  • Creativity: opening of a new era. Create a market, aiming for the top and innovation.
  • Mutual Trust: creating a work place that was filled with an aura of freedom and the exchange of views. A fresh working environment and workplace, a push and perform at their best.
  • Social commitment: maximize efficiency in business management and distribute benefits on the basis of Justice and equality. a strong presence in the community, the openness of and Harmony with the environment.

Source: Sanyo Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia Terbaru

Update 1 November 2014
Persyaratan :

  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma (D3) atau sarjana (S1).
  • Jurusan Teknik (listrik, elektronik, mekanik, industri)
  • Mempunyai keterampilan Komunikasi yang baik
  • Fresh Graduate diperbolehkan untuk melamar
  • Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan diwilayah Cimanggis-Depok-Bekasi.

Date line tanggal 22 November 2014. Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV dan poto terbaru ke alamat email : cdcftuiloker@eng.ui.ac.id
Tambahkan subject Email : SANYO_D3_NAME_MAJOR_UNIVERSITY_POSITION atau bisa mengunjungi website cdc.eng.ui.ac.id untuk mendaftar secara online, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
Judul: Loker Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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