Loker Smartfren Telecom Terbaru

sumber gambar : www.smartfren.com 
Profile PT Smart Telecom Telecom, Tbk
The latest Smart Telecom Telecom jobs – PT Smart Telecom Telecom, Tbk. is the operator of telecommunications service providers based on CDMA technology and licensed provider and limited mobility (fixed wireless access), and has a scope of EV-DO CDMA network (mobile broadband network which is equivalent to 3 g) which is the largest in Indonesia. Smart Telecom is also the world's first telecommunications operator that provides services of CDMA EV-DO Rev. B (equivalent to 3, 5 g download speeds to 14.7 Mbps) and the first CDMA operator which provides services for the Blackberry.
Services and service for Smart Telecom have values (values) as the best partner for customers by offering intelligent solutions in telecommunications services to enhance the customer's experience of life in communicating.
As operators of CDMA provides high speed internet network move (mobile broadband) which was the largest in Indonesia, Smart Telecom is committed to being the leading provider of telecommunication services that are affordable for the community with the best quality.
Source smartfren.com

Lowongan Kerja  PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk Terbaru

Update 03 November 2014
POSISI : Account Executive
  1. Pria atau Wanita.
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3.
  3. Mempunyai penampilan menarik.
  4. Komunikatif dan percaya diri.
  5. Sanggup bekerjasama dalam swbuah team.
  6. Menyukai tantangan.
  7. Lowongan kerja untuk penempatan di seluruh operasional perusahaan.

Date line tanggal 29 November 2014.  Segera kirim aplikasi lamaran kerja anda lengkap beserta CV dan poto terbaru kealamat websitel dibawah ini :

PT Smartfren Telecom

Alamat : Jl. H. Agus Salim, Central Jakarta No 45, Menteng, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia

Judul: Loker Smartfren Telecom Terbaru; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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