Source : www.wismilak.com |
Clove cigarettes have become part of the cultural heritage of Nations and Indonesia. Kretek has grown and developed to become a part of people's lives everyday Indonesia both in the cultural, social and economic. From upstream to downstream, from tobacco farmers to the seller of the kretek clove cigarettes, the benefits have been enjoyed by millions of people from time to time. Therefore, to continue and develop the kretek,
PT. Inti Makmur Wismilak engaged. PT. Wismilak Inti Makmur is the holding company of PT. Yea Djaja and PT Gawih Jaya.
PT. Yea Djaja was founded
by Koen Lie Lie (Wisman Ali) and Bian Hok Oei (Budiono Widjajadi). The company at the beginning of the operation has only 10 employees, but through hard work and passion of his independence, now the company is transformed into a large company that has thousands of employees working on JL. Surabaya and Bojonegoro 9 Buntaran manufactures premium-quality clove cigarettes, among other diplomats, Diplomats Mild, Error, Error Mild clove cigarettes, Wismilak clove cigarettes and
Wismilak clove cigarettes Slim Special. Early history of Wismilak started in 1962, through the couple
Lie Koen Lie (Wisman Ali) and Liem Sien Nio (Shinta Dewi Sampurno, the third child of Liem Seeng Tee) together with Bian Hok Oei (Budiono Widjajadi) established PT. Yea Djaja. PT. Yea its business activities in the field of launch Djaja smoking with the promulgation of the SKT (Kretek Sigaret hand) under the brand name "Error" that year. In 1963, PT. Yea Djaja started production of smoking "
Wismilak clove cigarettes Special". At first the factory stood on the site on JL. Petemon West of Surabaya, with hiring 10 employees. Growing businesses of the company, in 1966, PT. Yea Djaja buy more land seluar 1 acre on JL. Agung Putro Wetan Surabaya. The number of employees at that time is 45 people. With the rapid development of the company, in 1976, PT. Djaja Heats begin occupying a new location on JL. Buntaran, 9 in 10 hectares of land, occupied until now by about 3 thousand employees. First Error and Wismilak clove cigarettes packaging printed on printing out. Then to meet the needs of the packaging of kretek, on 27 November 1979, forming
PT. Putri Jaya, which later transformed into pt. Daughter Yea Djaja, on April 4, 1981. To expand the distribution network, forming the kretek product PT Gawih Jaya. The current distribution network PT Gawih Jaya scattered throughout the archipelago with 17 representative offices and supported the agents and wholesalers. Product number-owned Wismilak among them;
Wismilak clove cigarettes Special,
Wismilak Slim,
Wismilak diplomats,
Wismilak Diplomats Mild,
MIL Day,
Wismilak Premium Cigar,
Slim Prima and
Mild Short story in 1994, forming PT. Inti Makmur Wismilak as ' holding company ' corporate and business unit, as well as the Wismilak manufacturer kretek filters. Next to further focus to product SKT Galan Thursday, in 1998, PT. established PT Inti Makmur Wismilak. Error Yea Djaja located on JL. Karang Bong 999 Sidoarjo. To support the central production units, some units in areas like SKT, Bojonegoro, Jember Petemon and Buntaran 18 remain necessary existence. Some of the ' brand ' was born in the year 2000 and beyond. For example ' Wismilak Slim ' (2000), SKT low tar – low nicotine first in Indonesia. In 2000 it also produced cigars start with Premium Cigars Wismilak ' brand ' as a product variant with Robusto early. In 2004, the born brand Slim Error and subsequently, in 2009 born brand Wismilak Diplomats ' Anniversary '. To support
PT Yea Djaja, some sheds were built that serves as a storage area for tobacco farmers that come from too much needed as a supporter of the production process. Tobacco is the only PT. Yea Djaja, among others derived from Madura (Pamekasan and Sumenep) Bojonegoro, Gresik, Lombok, and Tamanggung. Whereas for the purposes of logistics that serves as a ready to sell cigarettes, there is storage in Gresik and Jakarta. In 2010, PT. Yea Djaja entry into the era of kretek ' mild ' by launching a brand ' Mild ' Error. In that year also began also produced variants Wismilak Premium Cigars, which are: Corona and Petit Corona. Source:
Wismilak Group
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