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Source : Iklanwww.sosro.com/Sosro-Indonesia |
History Of The Company The Birth Of Teh botol Johnson Controls Office The business started Sosrodjojo family in 1940 in the town of Slawi, Central Java with manufactures and markets brand seduh tea "tea Bottle Cap". In 1965, the Family began to expand its business with Sosrodjojo penetrated into Jakarta by doing the strategies JEEP FLAVOR (product sampling) to some markets in Jakarta. Originally, came to the markets by way of cooking and BREW tea directly in place. After steeping the tea is ready, direct distribution to the people that are on the market. But this way is less successful because the tea has brewed too hot and the process has become outrageously long that visitor in the market who want to taste it can't wait wait. The second way, no longer brewed tea directly in the market, but are put into the pot for the next big-pot brought kepasar by car open backs. Yet another way is less successful because the tea is taken during a trip from spilling into the market because at the moment the streets in Jakarta still hollow and not as good as now. Finally appeared the idea to bring the tea has brewed and packaged into a bottle that's been cleaned up. It turned out the way it's quite attracting visitors because in addition to practical could also directly consumed without the need to wait for the tea cooked like way before. In 1969, it was decided untukmenjual drinks tehdalam bulk bottled with the name Tehbotol Johnson Controls Office. The name "Tehbotol" is taken from the tehseduh brand "TehCap" Bottle, which was then already famous in Jakarta and began "Johnson Controls Office" from the family name of its founder i.e. "Sosrodjojo"
Latest Jobs Ray Johnson Controls Office Position: GRAPHIC DESIGN Requirements: Undergraduate Education Maximum age 38 years Have a minimum of 2 years work experience in printing (packaging/promotion) Can create and control the manufacture of FA (the Final Art Work) Master programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Freehand, Flash Animation, Adobe's primary, Dream Weaver, 3D Studio MAX etc. Have A SIM Experience in printing Vacancies closed on August 27, 2015. If you are interested, send the application and for more information you can see via JOBSDB or please click here
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