Latest Jobs Vacancies PT DJARUM At least S1, S2, D1, D2, D3, SMK/SMU

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PT Djarum has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1950. Growing from strength to strength, today's high tech mass production lines we produce cigarettes for both domestic and international markets. Djarum clove cigarettes the first time workshop was established on the 21st April 1951 by Oei Wie Gwan company founder in Kudus, Central Java. Just nine months earlier, Oei Wie Gwan has bought the brand and license to the name. Holy happens to be the birthplace of cigarettes, in which one of the most prominent industries in Indonesia will be built. Over the years, small industries will evolve into Djarum brand known internationally. In its history, the company was called Jukebox needles, Djarum began operating with 10 employees located at Bitingan new road (now No. 28 a. Yani Street) in the sanctuary. Mix the ingredients of clove and tobacco is a simple manual process using minimal equipment. OEI himself can be found rolling on the floor of kretek workshop when not promoting and selling cigarettes Djarum Kudus in the streets. The mixture of Djarum cigarettes hand-rolled still distinguishes itself with its consistent quality and flavor and attract a following develops. OEI Wie Gwan died in 1963 but the building company survive. Under the leadership and vision of Oei two children Michael Bambang Hartono and Robert Budi Hartono, Djarum has continued to evolve, developing into one of the largest and most successful companies today kretek. With more than half a century of history behind it, Djarum has come a long way from quiet beginnings in the streets. Today Djarum has become familiar icons in Indonesia thanks to the popular clove-and-tobacco smoking products us, familiar in the entire country. We are one of Indonesia's largest cigarette producer and also has established a strong international presence, give satisfaction to customers every day. Despite our successes, Djarum remains firmly rooted in the Holy City. This root helps us to remember from where we come from, and to keep in mind our obligations to society. As we have grown, so have the ability to contribute: where once we help Holy society, today the company's social initiatives program we have a national focus and a global view. Source: Djarum

Latest Jobs Djarum Position: – Administrative Staff – Production Staff – Marketing Trainee – Technican – Network Engineers – System Administrator – Internal Auditor – The Hrd Staff Recruitment – The General Services Building. Requirements: Indonesia Citizen (WNI) Male/Female, 20th min age max 47 & th, At least S1, S2, D1, D2, D3, SMK/SMU all departments, Have a min of 1 year of experience in their fields respectively, Healthy Physical, Drug-Free Spiritual & & Being Of Good Character. Willing to be placed in the working area of PT DJARUM Indonesia tbk. Completeness of the application File: 1. A cover letter and curriculum vitae List. 2. Copy of diploma and transcript Value if there is a 3. Copy of ID CARD. 4. Pass photo size 4 × 6 cm 5. No Telp/Hp Vacancies closed 17 August 2015. If you are interested, please send your application via online and for more information can be seen through the Career Development Center Unpad please click here
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