Latest Jobs Gamatechno Indonesia Web Developer

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5 years is an important phase in the course of long-term PT. Gamatechno Indonesia business. During this time we learned to identify the business we do, learn to recognize the market, as well as to understand the needs of our customers and partners. PT Gamatechno Indonesia (Gamatechno) is a provider of information technology services that were built with a variety of missions within the framework of the development of creative industries in Indonesia. The challenge faced by the creative industries in the digital age social network is now so large. Communication and interaction between service providers and customers become more ' without limits ', a more specific customer needs are also increasingly dominate the market demand. In addition the climate of competition has become more open both with local and international providers. The situation prompted us to focus more on the development of products and services for certain customers segment so that the services we provide may be more optimal. Until now Indonesia has continued to keep the commitments Gamatechno segment of colleges, government institutions as well as corporate customers. Application products in the category of Academic Integrated Software, eGovernment, and Smartcard Solution always round off our business to support our customers. In addition, this year we complete the company's business portfolio with ERP applications, consulting services, training and the provision of & content. The current age of the company are still very young, but this is not an obstacle for Indonesia Gamatechno to do a huge leap in achieving goals. In order to serve its customers and partners as well as develop company to become even better, we have been in business to produce a refocusing of the Foundation companies who are able to adapt to the demands of the internal as well as the needs of customers and partners. Gamatechno Indonesia geared up with new spirit characterized by innovation, integrity, optimism and commitment to provide the best. The Dear customers and partners, Gamatechno Indonesia ready to serve each client. Vision: Become a provider of information technology solutions to best colleges in Indonesia. Mission: Accommodate the resources and potential of the University. Developing a sustainable information technology solutions. Build a network of cooperation to foster the information technology industry in Indonesia. Providing benefit and value to our customers and all stakeholders. Source: Gamatechno Indonesia

Latest Jobs Gamatechno Indonesia Update August 17, 2015 Position: Web Developer From Jakarta Requirements: Diploma Degree In Computer Science/Information Technology/Systems Mastering PHP Programming Language Mastering MySQL Dbase Hands on Web Development Frameworks (such as Code Ignitier) Willing to work with others Are willing to be active collaborators in any corporate event Have a mature personality and fun This vacancy is valid until August 20, 2015. If you are interested and meet the above requirements, please see the instructions at the source of the application via the link below: Source application
Judul: Latest Jobs Gamatechno Indonesia Web Developer; Ditulis oleh Unknown; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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